Dennis, our snow totals are being reduced every time I check the forecast. From 30" to mid 20's and now 18"
Doesn't matter if you are tall or short, fat or thin, black or white, at the end of the day... It will be night time.
My current work boots have thicker soles than normal...I have been hitting my head in places that I normally clear!
This is no joke but I still remember seeing and hearing it as it happened! It was back in the early 70's, long before many members were born! An extremely tall guy and his tall girlfriend were on a date and shopping in a store. As they left the store, he opened and held the door for her but he held it from the inside of the store. She passed through the door and then he slid out right behind her but hit his head on the auto close mechanism that hung down off of the top of the door! Man, did he ever wallop that thing could hear it throughout the store! I thought for sure he was going down... Poor guy! It was similar to this