I’m ok with snow being done til next winter in SW MI. Just beginning to see bare ground in places I’ve not plowed previously. The sunshine is surely welcome at my house.
These numbers put Kalamazoo about 2' below the average. Where did you get this, Backwoods Savage? I watch this one, but it's just some guy at the local university reporting on his place only. Snow Data for Kalamazoo, Michigan Although it makes me wonder if his numbers make it upstream, since his match exactly what your image shows. That should be impossible with lake effect. yooperdave, I like snow... Just can't quite bring myself to like your comment.
Well, since you offered, I'd like this pile of snow. Just scoop it all up, and send it down this way. Thank you so much!
~2 feet less than average for me. Not sure on the others, as it varies widely, based on how close you are to the the Great Lakes; Lake Michigan in my case. Didn't feel like we got a lot of lake effect this year, though, so maybe that's why.
Look at Gaylord, in the snow belt. When we lived there the least we ever got was 150 or 151" anf now they aren't at 100". Ironwood is about the same. But when you see those areas that normally get around 300" it is really amazing.
I can say with first hand experience.... Gaylord and surrounding area snow is very light this winter.... and almost gone already !
Not a whole lot here in the NE corner of the lower peninsula either. It’s all my fault - bought a John Deere 316 with a snowblower last fall. Used it twice, and didn’t even really need to use it, just wanted to use it. In April 2018 we had a big snowstorm (about 15 inches) the first week of April, and another big snowstorm of around 16 inches a couple weeks later. Since then, I don’t let my guard down until May. Hoping the 50s they’re calling for later this week finish off the little bit of snow that is left.
Our snow totals for our area were like when we first moved here but we never had that week or two of really cold weather. We usually will get hit with another heavy snow event after most of the snow is gone.