Sondre, either of these 2 what you mentioned? Square Ground Chisel Angles How To File Square Chisel Chain
WOW! That was a great video Jason. Mr. A.D.D. actually watched the whole video! Watching him sharpen answered all the questions i had about SG sharpening.. I have a real good eye for angles (not bragging) and would probably be pretty good at it. Im going to resist as long as i can. The only thing that surprised me was the Stihl saw on the latter half of the video!
No, this was an actual competition sponsored by Oregon to see who could make the best cutting chain from an off the roll loop. I think it was mostly geared towards guys with grinders, but the same geometry would apply to hand filing. Several different cuts and techniques were considered, not just speed. From what I remember there was only one chain that had become slower than off the roll after being ground. No chassis work was permitted, so essentially just tooth angles/sharpness and rakers were touched. There were some interesting looking grinds. Some had double shelves under the cutter, at the gullet, on purpose. There were reasons for all the different varieties of grinds, and they were somewhat explained. I’ve tried finding it recently, but can’t see it anymore.
Ah. I remember reading that too. Interesting info on the "shelf". I'll try and find it. I could have swore I saved a copy as pdf.
That’s exactly the one I’m thinking about too. I could swear I saved it too, but I can’t find it, and I can’t find it online.
Any ideas as to what kind of vise was being used in that video for filing that chain? I've been pondering trying to get into the square file thing myself. That video really has piqued my interest...