In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday


Discussion in 'Modern EPA Stoves and Fireplaces' started by GRIZ, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. BuckthornBonnie


    Oct 4, 2013
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    Penn Yan, NY
  2. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Griz, you can install a baffle in the Fishers and make them burn "much" cleaner and more efficient! When I get back to NJ on my own computer I'll show you the installation. I've done three of them on Fishers and one on a Kodiak and all burn so much better, hotter, and use less wood than when first built.
    Yes there are many new stoves and very nice ones at that, "but" there is nothing wrong with the Fisher if you do some simple things.
    I have 2 Grandma's 2 baby's and a momma bear. I heat my home with a Grandma and a baby just fine, I used 5 cord last winter in a 2250sqft home and kept it a constant 75* + all the time. In my opinion, "DON'T" give up on your Fisher unless you want to move on.... I like simple, and the Fisher is as simple as it gets and "STILL" works very well!
    concretegrazer, GRIZ and Stinny like this.
  3. DexterDay

    DexterDay Administrator

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Northeast Oh
    If your going from a Huge non EPA Fisher, your still gonna need 3 + cubic feet. IMO. Go big, or you will be disappointed. You will have a hard time going from a 4 to 5 cu ft Fisher, to a 2.0 cu ft EPA model.

    The Englander 30-NC is a beast of a stove (3.5 cu ft), the Lopi Liberty (3.4 cu ft), the Enerzone 3.4 (3.4 cu ft), Heatilator WS-22 (2.7 cu ft but a very solid unit), Drolet HT-2000 (3.4 cu ft). The Lopi and Enerzone will be the highest two out of the bunch.

    With the Englander, Heatilator, and Drolet being more budget friendly.

    There are many more options that are more expensive. The Enerzone and Lopi fall into this category. Woodstock makes their 2 Hybrid stoves that are large, the Blaze King Princess or King would both be great Cat stoves, and Regency just came out with their F-5100 (4.4 cu ft) and it's a Hybrid stove as well (Utilizes both secondary and Catalyst)
    concretegrazer, GRIZ and Stinny like this.
  4. GRIZ


    Jul 13, 2014
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    Thanks yall I have all the confidence in the world in you. My stove heats my house good. Both levels. I done a few things that should save me a lot of wood. I cut and put in a 12 x 14 vent straight over the stove and put a fan that size in also. Reason I done that I have a thamometer 2 1/2 to 3 foot beside my stove and when it gets COLD it stays above 90 there. Down there last winter having some buds with my buddys no shirt lol Any way that should let me get off the throttle on moma bear a little. The vent comes out into my kitchen and can't wait to see the diffreence since we have been heating good the other way. Dave thanks I would like to take a look at the baffel install. I have nothing at all against my fisher. I just want to get the max out of my wood. Kinda got in the new truck type heat for a new stove when I found out all the do. Dumby me had no idea about the new stuff. Never little fire box for me. I got round 15 cords 18" long. Thanks again for the stove help. Yal the best
    WeldrDave likes this.
  5. Gary_602z


    Oct 4, 2013
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    Lake Odessa, Michigan
    Might not want to repeat that to often or the rumors will be flying around!:rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:

    concretegrazer and mattjm1017 like this.
  6. GRIZ


    Jul 13, 2014
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    Im not on the fence. I hope nobody here is.
  7. jetjr


    Feb 24, 2014
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    Pa/Md line
    I have an all nighter stove that is basically the same design as your Fisher. I had stove envy for a while but got over it and am going to install a baffle. Weldrdave has lots of good advice on this
    Stinny and concretegrazer like this.
  8. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Griz, I'll be perfectly honest with you, I have a "very" good friend who works for a local fireplace/stove store... I know absolutely S#!T about the new stoves, with that said I have done the reading and some of the comparisons, all that is fine and good on paper but the proof is how it truly heats. I know I'm gonna raise some hairs on a few when I say this:whistle: but, with a correctly installed baffle and a "correct" flue/draft and learning the stove, I'll run the old girl against any new EPA all day. Now, will the new stove perform to specs, yes! But you can get the same/close return on the Fisher as well. :cool:
    Again, it will be close and I have mine burning to the point that you never see smoke from mine "only" on light off!
    I won't mention it but there is a man on another site, and I have met, named Coaly. Him and a other person, Camfan are the absolute guru's of Fishers. Camfan actually built them in the late 70's and 80's.
    I have been burning Fishers for 40 years and I have "extensively" picked there brains on Fisher things. Again, there are "many" super new stoves, I just can't see spending a couple grand and installation if you don't have to. The Fisher will do the job with some tweeking and I'll give/help you with all I know! You should get great results.

    My buddy has been trying to get me to junk my rusty grandma for years now, but every time he walks in the door in the dead of winter and it's 80* in the house he shuts his mouth real fast!;)
    jetjr, DexterDay and mattjm1017 like this.
  9. DexterDay

    DexterDay Administrator

    Oct 2, 2013
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    Northeast Oh
    I will agree with that.. A good baffle system (Coaly is the Man!) AND good wood and proper technique is key to success with an old Smoke Dragon. When burning properly, they should burn very clean.

    But, that is with good wood, good technique, and if you can get a good baffle system installed (this is so the heat doesn't shoot straight out the flue. It gives the heat more "dwell" time in the stove, by giving a path it must take, before exiting).
    GRIZ and jetjr like this.
  10. GRIZ


    Jul 13, 2014
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    Thanks Dave & Dextor I have made my self a deal. I put a price on mine to a couple of boys I cut with and they will spread the word. The deal is If they have no news in the next month I gona keep mine and change it over with Daves help. I know nothing at all about how to get a baffel or put it in. All sounds good to me though. Dave how hard are they to install or find? Its gona be a win win deal either way becouse If I can get the price I put on it out of it I will only have 400 in a new englander nc30. I would't care to keep the old girl though. Thanks again dave Im propbly gona need some big help from ya