Having a ready supply outside the door is awesome, its on the same level as the stove, so filling the basement wouldnt be too useful. If our stove was there....i bet I'd store a week's worth easily. I have resisted bringing too much in..also due to buggies and whatnot. I also don't want to clutter up the living space too much....which is tempting and would be easy to do. I also have a tote fulla shorts, but want to consolidate that to another space. Loon I like the galvanized tub idea..and that wooden bin is huge! We have a window that looks out over the pile too...havent been moved to use it to bring wood in yet, but will try it before the season's out. T.Jeff Veal like the wooden boxes. Nice place to sit and warm up. Hey...hoping you folks are doing well. SimonHS awesome tip. Will bleach that piece of floor when the wood bin comes out this summer. Hoping to do linoleum or the like on the floor after we demo the kitchen. Stumpy75 I'm begining to wish we had more than a day's worth..at this point, as long as I have enough for the morning start, im good...but a little extra lattitude would be useful. Going outside once a day hasn't been too much of a hardship. Sca
The entire winter supply in the unfinished basement right beside the wood furnace. Been doing it this way for decades and the only new intruders I've noticed was a daddy longlegs-like spider that's harmless.
It is apparent most folks like wood in the house and it can be nice. But bugs and flying insects can be a problem and that is why we have wood on the porch. We bring it inside when the stove needs it. However, on really cold nights I tend to bring in enough to put in early in the morning rather than stepping out on the porch at the coldest time when I get up. You can see the wood rack just outside the door.
No wood actually inside the house for us. I keep about a cord on 2 racks on our covered porch and bring in a stove load twice a day. The stove gets loaded at about 0700 and again at about 7pm, 6 to 8 splits per load.
Until we got a puppy I would bring it in a wheelbarrow load at a time, about a day and a half worth. We keep much less inside now cause the puppy wants to chew on it and it gets old having him barf up wood chunks at 3:00 am.
Keep stuff with no bark in a firewood cart for my wife if she chooses when I'm not home. Because of bugs I just choose to keep it outside the door. The house sits on a hill so this is actually the basement door.
On average, This is probably a little bit more than what I usually have by the stove. Probably not quite a weeks worth (especially at these current temperatures). I have to get pretty motivated to get 2 rows stacked up this high, but it would be close to 3 weeks worth. I throw it in the pickup then back up to the steps of the deck, up 3 steps to the deck, and then 13 steps down to the basement. I use this green tote in the picture to carry it in. Good stuff on the right. Cottonwood on the left
Sand Hillbilly' I like that mantle you have there. A coworker had me mill a nice slab for one. Have to show him this.
I run a 3 tote system. One in the stove room, and 2 in the laundry/utility room, gets rotated in. 2-ish cords in the garage
Sand Hillbilly' I like that mantle you have there. A coworker had me mill a nice slab for one. Have to show him this.
We have a wood box just inside our door. We just got from my parents for Christmas. We need to rearrange some furniture and find a new home for it. That holds 2 - 4 days worth. We have a big iron kettle on the hearth that holds some wood (8- 12 splits or so) and also stack higher BTU wood on the other side of the hearth. Woodstove sits all the way into the fireplace, so not too worried about being too close to splits. I stack wood on our deck and bring in to refill those spots. On the deck I started with a full cord, now I keep about 2 face cord there. The one face cord I wont touch until end of season. Its all black cherry. It keeps the tarp up. I refill according to the weather forecast for the week
I might keep 1 piece next to stove so I can toss it in when I wake up/get home. I don't want insects in the house, I get enough wolf spiders in the house now as it is. I do stack up a lot in my breezeway but it stays close to outside temps. Everything I get has usually been sitting on the ground so it has it's share of carpenter ants and other wood boring pests.
I keep this stack in the basement. Its 2 rows deep. I have the room for it in my basement. I just wish I had more space outside for drying outside
I have a 20 x 12 wood deck on stove level keep a day or so in house. Most years try to fill wood deck in fall; PITA to get a cord 300 yards through 3 feet of snow.. that’s what we are doing this year to teach my 15 yo consequences of procrastination
The woodshed is about 50' from the garage. I run a wheel barrow of wood into the garage every 2 0r 3 days along with a bucket of kindling and smaller splits that I call my starter wood ( my Wif calls it my "morning wood"). I take a bucket of firewood up a half flight of stairs to the stove as we need it. This keeps the bugs and bark bits to a minimum.
My stove is in the basement. I used to fill a ring every 2 or three days, and that was all I stored inside. But, two summers ago, I stacked about a cord of barkless oak in the basement, and I dip into that when I don't want to go outside. It sure is nice having "lazy wood". Spiders, that's about it for bugs.