Lol, I wouldnt have to worry about letting a cat out at my house. My pooch would drag him out. I do have a kitty cat around my house who occasionally lives under my deck. I see him at the woodpiles too. I call him"Decker" or "Stacks" depending where I see him.
So far about 5-1/2 full cords. Maybe six. I know my shed holds five even, but I've burned a few tractor bucket loads of odds and ends too.
Thanks. Any rough idea where you wood have been consumption wise if you were still operating your old stove?
If I count the "junk" I burned in October, I'm 1.3 cord into the stacks, about 1 if not. 95% of what I'm burning this year is sugar maple, but right now, I'm into some Hickory I've had kicking around for 3-4 years. I've been keeping it for the smoker, but my wood guy delivered some in this years drop, so I figured it was time to exchange.
I have just shy of a cord of oak left in the shed. Moved a little less than 1/4 a cord into the bin today. Should be just enough to get me through March if the temps stay cold. If it gets warmer, I can switch to the 1/2 cord of ash thats stacked and covered for spring shoulder season.
Don’t know how much of your total heating of your house is coming from wood but it sounds like your using your firewood very efficiently.
I heat everything but my finished basement 100% with wood. I typically burn about two cords of hardwood, and one cord of lower btu for shoulder season. I load it twice a day unless its really cold, then I'll go to three times a day.
Wow that’s great! What kind of stove do you have & how big is your house if you don’t mind me asking. Sounds very efficient to me.
I have a Woodstock Absolute Steel cat stove. House is 2200SF, but that includes the finished basement that is probably about 400SF.
Its on one of the ends. Outside wall of the main living area. The first floor is pretty open, so it heats it quite well. The stairs to the second floor is on the opposite side of the house from the stove, and it keeps the upstairs comfortable. I like my bedroom cool, so 62-65 is perfect to me. When we get really cold, like -10F or colder, I will have to kick the heat up for the second floor. Only because the stove in the finished basement is clapped out, and apparently the previous owners had a chimney fire so the tiles in the chimney are cracked, so no kicker stove for when its really cold just yet. Hard to justify the cost of a liner plus a new stove right now.
My son Doug and my grandson Trent and i cut a nice load yesterday. Ash, Hickory and White Oak. Now just need to split and stack.
I had to dig into my almost half completed holz hausen to restock the woodshed. Cut up a five inch locust and oak sticking out of the snow. I have a full hausen from last summer, that I desperately do not want to get into this season. In the shed, with a tarp to help keep away the death snow due tomorrow cold out today, but the work gave me a sweat. Beats being in the house.
Started out with 5 cord of mixed hardwood in this shed. It's been a while since it has been completely empty. Back row has probably been in there at least 3 years and air dried for at least 2. Almost waited to long. Powder Post bettle has started to take over. Still have plenty of wood in another building and 2-3 years of air dried on the hill ready to come down.
White Oak is my favorite. Sent son Doug home with a load of all white oak. Well, actually there was some hedge in there too. That doesn’t hurt
Hard to say, because my old stove was in use year-round. I burned 12-14 full cords a year, but the use was very much weather dependent. I relied on the stove for domestic hot water, so I would burn a dozen pieces every 24 hours for DHW n the summer, but have to fill the firebox 2-3 times a day in the winter. Also, this was only for my house, I did not have a garage at the time. I'm trying to get down to about 6 cords of wood used per winter, I'm not quite there yet but I have some more sealing and insulating to do in my garage, and I still have parts of the house that have radiant floor heat tubing installed but never hooked up. My garage went online last winter, I kept it at 48° last winter and it's at 60° this winter and I would guess that I would be under 4 cords of wood used if I wasn't heating the garage.
Completely ran out in the garage so replenished from the barn this afternoon between shifts. Sitting at just shy of 5 face cord of red oak splits and a trailer full of nuglies that probably comes out to a face and a half, so I should definitely have enough to get me through the season and have a little left over for next.