Molly, I used to keep 12+ cord on hand, I'm burning stuff now that is 5 and 6 years old. If you keep it to long, it'll start "punking/rotting", then mold, bugs, and critters you can't Identify in it when you bring it into your home. I don't think you have the (Black Widow) problem I have here. I've been bit about 4 times I know of... Is 17 cord in your three year plan? If it is, that great. I "used" to burn about 4 to 5. The last couple years I've only burnt 2, if that. I haven't even burnt a cord yet this year. I know your feeling and getting wood, trust me! All that wood on my land made me sad to give away to someone but I just had to get things done.
A couple cords are black locust. 7 or 8 cords are red oak. Those cords are not degrading in a hurry. The remainder are maple, ash, mulberry, birch, poplar, catalpa, etc., which I make a point of burning within 2 or 3 years. The worst problem I've had is powdery frass from wood borers in the maple. And one summer, I noticed red ant colonies on the underside of the rubber covering wet wood. I put a bunch of cheap ant traps under there, which seemed to take care of them. But yes, firewood stored outside definitely has a shelf life.
^^^^^^ Looks like you have plenty busy , if that's what I can do when I retire ( unless I hit Lotto first ) it gives me something to look forward to. ^^^^
Yup! I know the feeling, us and Maple out here is the norm... Lucky my wood is on plastic pallets, or it'd be termites!!! Those little B@$tards used to eat my wood pallets out in 2 years. I've had stacks fall over because of them. Your stuff looks awesome Molly.
Haha not a crazy load but split 3 rows deep and did it all with 2 Donut tires hehe but that load of yours puts mine to shame
Will see if Mrs Loon lets me borrow her new ride this weekend? Pretty sure i know the answer now though.
Holy chit! Enough to make Midwinter jealous! Way to pack it in there sir! If i did tht to out Murano Ms. buZZsaw would me!