We had about 1.5-2" of slop. I shoveled the walkway, patio, and where I'll need to work today last night. I think the rest will melt during the week.
I got 9” here. Started out wet snow, woke up to icy crust on top. Power out since yesterday afternoon at 1:30. Branches and cable lines down everywhere.
You poor people in the Bethlehem PA.area. I saw that Jim Cantore is doing weather channel live reports from there. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I'm not sure if we'll get the snow but we're in for a possible 1.5 inches of rain on the high end with some wind. Who's in for the rain, wind and snow. I did make the spaghetti sauce today instead of tomorrow, on Thursday we'll make the braciole and cook the pasta, hopefully we don't lose power.
We're in the 55-60mph band. 2-3 inches of rain late Thursday, through Friday. Temps Friday up to 60f. So long snowpack. Estimated an inch of water in snow. It's going to ok get soggy, before refreeze. Not a lot of backup generators around here. I'm going to have to be creative with a ham dinner for Christmas, if power goes out. With a propane cook top, and gas grill, we will make dinner happen. 2020 ugh.
I guess I'd take this rain rather than snow. We have to do snow removal at work. Maybe I'll be able to get back to cutting up the downed spruces. I have a good pile of rounds waiting.
Calling for temps in the 50's, a couple of inches of rain and winds up to 50 MPH here. They've had a flood watch posted for a lot of NH for a couple of days for Friday since the snow pack is going to be melting fast in those conditions and the ground is frozen so it's got nowhere to go. On the up side - that might get those areas still in severe drought down to moderate drought level. New map doesn't come out until later today, so this one may not accurate. At least there aren't any reds on it anymore.
Im thinking about putting in a propane range when I redo my kitchen. Its either that, or a larger generator that I can move the range circuit onto. I can make do with the Weber Kettle grill on Christmas, but with the massive amounts of rain in the forecast, that could be miserable.
We've have a seperate propane cooktop, and wall mount electric oven. Works well for us. I think I'll cook the ham today and reheat tomorrow.
I went out and cleared snow so the 2-3" of rain plus snow melt has someplace to go tomorrow besides all in my garage or too close to the rest of my foundation. Spent 1 hour 45 minutes. The first part was widening around the fence gate and then two passes along the fence down to the low point in the back yard (about 25 feet) Then I took a left and made two passes of 35-40' down to the drainage area (that first path is in the bottom left corner) Coming back from that, I kept going the 50 feet of fence for two passes (first path is in lower right corner) Then I widened the intersection of the path from the second gate to the mulch pile (way up to the left), and the path along the other side of the house. All of the paths are basically downhill to that intersection. The end of the path from the previous pic is at the bottom. Then I had to clear a path along the side of the house for about 15 feet becasue the roof dump had jumped that far Cleared back from the driveway about 10 feet (that is the lowest part and if it gets backed up, goes straight down the driveway into the garage) Also cleared back from the road for I don't know 20-30 feet. Put up my drain pipe for the sump pump in the garage - hey, and just to the left of that picture, is the first gate I started the odyssey at.