Hello all looking for some information on lower back issues & anyone who has had success with any specific treatment. Mines been an issue on& off now for the last 15 - 20 years or so, gives fits me for a week or so then usually calms down. This time however is a bit different, in the past my lower back would give me pain at the belt line & radiate down my right leg this time however upon different random movements I get a shocking type pain that just about takes me off my feet along below my belt line radiating down to the end of my tailbone. It last anywhere from 5-10 seconds up to 20 or so seconds. My Dr. prescribed a Prednisone prescription which helped significantly while I took it but the symptoms returned about a week after taking it. Sorry for the long rant but just wondering if anyone has had similar conditions & found any specific remedies. Thanks
Well, my friend, sounds like you may have developed sciatica. I don't get the tailbone pain as you described, but sciatica in both legs and lower back issues. Bulging/herniated discs pressing against the nerves (sciatica) amongst other things make for a small woodpile. If you can, exercise specifically designed may help. Heat helps, ice helps, but by far, I have found that the best help (in my case) is time and rest. I refuse to take meds and so get pretty ornery when afflicted with symptoms. Next step for me (after consultation) will be injections and after that operations. I will put it off as long as I can. PT seemed to help. Chiropractor did not help. Acupuncture was interesting but I don't think it helped. I hope you feel better.
I don't deal with sciatica, but I have had good success with PT, and then continuing to do the custom exercises that they came up with to specifically address my particular issues...which I'm supposed to do regularly, but I have been able to get away with doing them only when things flare up (which has been fairly seldom since PT)
Went from essentially paralyzed to working all day long. No drugs, no surgery and no one thing is going to resolve those issues. It's a multifaceted approach. But, the best places to start IMO; Acupuncture, specifically trigger point therapy. Not all acupuncturists can do it but the ones that are good at it perform miracles. That and lots of focused stretching and rebuilding of atrophied muscles. Where're you located?
I’m in northeastern Pennsylvania. Northern fringe of the pocono mountains very close to Interstate 84/380 Thanks to all for the helpful information & suggestions.
Or.... about any advice you glean from here and would consider! RabbleRouser I'm glad acupuncture worked for you with the results that I had hoped for.
PT with core strengthening and some very easy stretches works for me, it is an ongoing battle for me, not something you just fix and are done with it, I do Pilates every day and feel the information in this book was very helpful, I do the stretches outlined in the book 3-4 times a day whether I'm having issues or not. Good luck. Treat Your Own Back 9th Ed. | Robin McKenzie | OPTP
An arthritic hip can cause the pain you are describing, I had back surgery in 1965 for a tumor, then in 2002 my lower back was hurting bad. I went in to an orthopedic Dr. and after an mri he found my right hip joint was toast, 6-8 months later I had my hip replaced (I waited too long) no more lower back pain shooting down my legs.
I went from no past problems, to a month and a half of progressively worse pain until I could not do the drive to the office or climb into my own bed. Surgery was advised and done, with immediate relief but definite physical limitations going forward.
Was pretty sure the NePa was Pennsyltucky... I've got a lot of family through Wilkes Barre & Scranton areas. You aren't too far, if you don't mind a bit of a drive once a week, THE best acupuncturist on the planet is here in NNJ. She has/had and office in Hackettstown area. She is responsible for a large chunk of my recovery. Doubt I'd be alive if it weren't for her. Acupuncture in Middlesex, Lake Hopatcong, Hackettstown, NJ
I had a bulging disc in my lower back and I tried a chiropractor, core strengthening and finally went for the shots. First one made me jump off the bed, but I got a little relief, 2nd one was not as bad and it got a little better, 3rd one didn’t hurt and I got total relief, but I continued to work on core strength and changed the way and how much I lift. Good luck I hope you get relief in whatever treatment you seek. Back pain is no good.
I will second the exercises in this book. I have been doing these every morning for close to ten years. I have a herniated disc and these help immensely.
DaveGunter 's post pretty much is what I need to get back to. He's right... have to keep at the PT stretches, etc... (mine were from PT I had 5 years ago) ... and I haven't been doing that regularly. Been paying the price... Good luck Farmchuck
McKenzie exercises do wonders, I also have a traction device but take it out maybe once every 3 years. My wife is a PT so I get the inside scoop on everything. As Dave said it is core muscles for the most part. Disks bulging can put pressure on the sciatic nerve and that causes the pain radiating. When I get sciatica the relief works up and settles into my tailbone. Uncomfortable but after a few days finally goes away. Posture is another huge thing. Lumbar support is a necessity for me. Good luck. Once you figure out how to relieve it usually you can control it and know when it’s starting.