Thanks. I've used the older Endeavor before but have moved and needed a new stove. The 2020 version is a little different than the older ones and I wasn't sure if I'd like it as well. So far, so good. Still not sure if I'll like the ash drawer... I haven't ever had one before.
-10c/14f this morning with a load of whatever the wife put in the stove this morning, likely spruce or lodgepole. Heres the view from my living room. Yellow larch trees in the forefront.
My son had his last football game of the season last night. It was about 10'F in Ipswich SD. Thankfully the wind wasn't blowing. Brrr.....
My Jotul Oslo has an ash drawer. You’ll get used to it. It’s convenient, as long as you clean it out frequently. If it gets too full, it makes a mess when you dump it out. Here’s my old Lopi. This thing CRANKS out the heat.
32F at 6:30 this morning with some frost. We've had two pretty good frosts already, so things are about done. 47 now with a good bit of sun. Spent the morning bucking small Red Oak logs, it's a nice day! Cherry & Catalpa in the boiler.
the one nice thing about burning big splits of oak at this time of the year. Though it didn't get over 33F today. I filled up the OWB last night and didn't even open the door tell just now (about 24 hours). And that's what was left. Filled it back up with oak/maple.
We've been burning white pine today but once this last load burns down, we'll go with some hardwood leftover from last year for our overnight fire. The temps in the morning should be around 28.
31 F outside. I'm at my buddy george's shop. Saftey police probably gonna love this. Burning western larch.
39 this morning ash roaring in the stove. Going to be a great day for moving wood into the house and getting lots of splitting done Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
39 and 70 when I got up, 73 now burning hemlock and a little beech. I had a small fire yesterday and it was 82 at bedtime so I let it go out as it was almost there anyway. Had the bedroom windows open overnight for some fresh air. Forecast looks like we’re getting closer to steady overnight fires. I’ve seen conflicting long range forecasts for the northeast and the last one called for a mild winter with below average precipitation. The one before that was exactly opposite lol. So anything goes I guess just like politics
43* heading to a high of 48* with some drizzle right now that should be clearing up. Sugar Maple and Beech keeping the house at 73 / 74 just where she likes it... Happy wife, Happy life...