A member made that a few years back and it gets passed among members, changing hands usually every few months. I was given the sign by MikeInMa back in July. Heres a link. Tribe of the Traveling FHC Sign The swag shop on here (when it reopens) does sell decals, hats shirts etc.
That’s really neat!! I’d love to get that sign one day! The swag shop huh? When is it going to reopen? Who can I contact in ref to this?
Just started a you tube channel guys. Look up nam65 jr here’s the link. This video is of my wife’s take on the club lol.
You messing up her pretty barn, you chipmunk...... She got it right when she said at least you will be warm.
I was never anticipating getting a sign. Im just a humble guy with a wood hoarding problem. For the Swag shop look on the main FHC home page, scroll down and on the right you'll see it. If you click on it it'll say "error". Theyve said it will reopen soon. Hope so i want a shirt and hat.
maybe the female significant others of FHC members need their own support group! Ms. buZZsaw says shes a Woodwidow and i told her that name was taken!!!
Can anyone help me out and tell me what kind of wood this is? Tree fell at my brothers house and he’s giving me the wood.
Looks like cherry and was dead when you cut it. Welcome to the FHC MarkL89 . Always room for another fellow Nutmegger. What part of our little state do you call home. Im in North Haven. Great forum here. Lots of friendly folks sharing advice and knowledge.
I’m in Greenwich very close to the ny border. My Brother is in Stamford. He actually cut the tree. And is giving me the wood. What doss it mean when you say it is dead when he cut it, will it be harder for me to split?
The tree was dead when cut. The bark was coming loose based on your pic. The sapwood in cherry will rot but the heartwood stays good for a long time. It may not be dry enough to burn right away. If the internal moisture content is below 20% its considered "seasoned" and can be burned. We prefer the term "dried" over "seasoned" here on the FHC. You can check the internal moisture content by using a moisture meter. Split the round in half and stick the MM probes in the fresh exposed wood and check the reading. Or you can split it and wait until next Winter to burn. Most woods are good with a year of drying. BTW: dead cherry that small should half pretty easily with an ax.
I can see at a quick glance how someone could mistake it for beech, but if you look at the bark, especially the round in the lower left hand corner, you can see a pattern more consistent with popple. Smooth bark with intermittent patches of dark rough bark. Also, in my experience there is a distinct contrast with beech heartwood at times being almost a red color. I don’t see this either in the rounds pictured.
Looks like cherry to me. Smells so good when burning, makes a great smoker wood too. Welcome to the club, lots of great folks here sharing knowledge and humor.
New here wondering if you could tell me what I got in this load. Looking forward to cutting this up tomorrow. Great forum
Looks like a boatload of future btu's. Seriously kinda hard to tell. Post more close up pics of bark, end grain, splits etc. Welcome to the FC CJL Great to have you
Welcome to the club. Lots of great folks here sharing knowledge and humor. I see some red oak and possibly white oak up top, maybe black locust on the bottom with the rough bark...
Here’s one of my New England favorites: Black Birch. Known as pioneering trees, one of the first to establish itself in a disturbed area. Here’s a stand of young trees. Notice the smooth bark. Here’s an older one not far away. You can see how the bark changes drastically as the tree ages. It takes on a more furrowed look, with plates appearing along the trunk.
ID please Has orange heartwood. Solid like sugar maple, straight grained tree which was telling me its not a fruit tree, easy to split