Or get rid of it any way possible Bunch of (white pine?) that I have no need for. Sugar Shack down the road will take it. He likes 18-24” with no knots. Don’t blame him for being picky,,,,it’s hard enough work already making syrup without dealing with ugly wood. So I used the 462 and made him some primo stuff. Two more trailer loads will become a bonfire or maybe drop it at the skating pond.
good deal Joe! They give you any syrup in the future? Any BL you wanna donate? How you liking the 462?
A neighbor had a large white pine dropped this summer. Was nice (?) enough to ask if I wanted the big chunks, which, incidentally, were still lying on the ground locked inside of the large long gnarled pitch covered log. "You do have that splitter" he added. No way no how no thanks. I'd still be cleaning pitch off myself and splitter!!!! Plus, all those chimney fires in the future....
Yeah we get free syrup. He taps our trees too. He handed me a case of syrup. I left it there, too much. That’s like 300 gallons of sap to make that. Think he had a few beers in him 462 is running fine. For a lightweight saw it may be an ounce too heavy. Think I’ll pay someone to remove a little weight from the inside of the engine LOL
So far so good. Gloveless hands almost sap free. The lift picks up most of them. Chimney fires are just brushless cleaning.
Chatting with him he said he needs as much heat as possible. Now I don’t know why he burns pine? He has a bunch of ash laid in. Not seasoned of course, fresh split. On the plus side he is trying to get on the five year plan. Age is telling him he won’t be doing wood much longer so he’s stockpiling now. Maybe when he finds out how much heat he gets from dry wood he’ll change his mind.
The difference between that pine and his ash in the boiler is that the pine will burn faster and hotter than ash. Of course it will not keep the fire as long but if you've ever boiled sap you'll know for this type of fire, pine actually works better. The down side is that you have to put up a lot more wood. But either one will get you what you want in the end.
Thanks for the wisdom. Yep, never boiled any sap. I do know he has a blower on the system to get it hotter. Loaded up some shorties and knots for a burn pile. Should be one heck of a burn pile Determined it’s easier for the saw to make them short than load bigguns. And should burn easier. Wish the trailer would fit in the woods,,,I’d just dump em.
Yep it's not like running a stove where you want the fire to last. Firing every 5 to 10 minutes isn't uncommon.