fishingpol Did you plant grapevines at the new place or are there too many wild critters waiting to snack on them?
We don't have a pergola for vines like the last house. The woods have a lot of vines going into the trees so big that my son hung from them like Tarzan and swung around. I have an open sunny area that I could train the grapes on post and wires. I believe they are Concord grapes. I'll have to look soon.
I got a couple pictures of the wildflowers blooming in the log storage area. We planted them about 2 yrs ago. They have reseeded nicely.
Got a couple of Rose of Sharons from MikeInMa the other day and got them into the ground yesterday. One of them had buds on it. Not the best picture, but they are a beautiful color. Can't wait until they get established and put on a good show in a couple of years, Turtle heads in the shade garden are blooming well despite being in a drought (and this is an area I don't water. I need to get perennials to fill in the area that I put the Rose of Sharons in, It's a new bed so I haven't even started gathering plants for it. However, the plan was to get mostly summer to late summer bloomers in there as that side of the yard is pretty barren of blooms after spring/early summer, so I think the timing is right to get plants today (unless all the garden stores are wiped out of everything but mums anyway).
Those rose of Sharon's look very healthy and should transplant well. I did yard work almost all day yesterday, and the Mrs. helped out quite a bit. The driveway side flower bed was just about done blooming, except for some goldenrod and some cosmos. Before. After. Full tractor cart of plants. Pile on the right is bittersweet vines. I started a new spring burn pile out back with vines and a few small honey locusts that weren't worth processing. Septic tank flower bed still hanging in there. Turkeys went through and were stripping grass seeds off the stems. We ended the day buying mums and dropping off a few to my parents.
It still amazes me how little leave wilt there was, and that the buds continue to open. Expect the flowers to turn a lavender color as they age out.
The butterflies are really enjoying the lantanas now. They are really doing well The knockout roses are blooming again. We even have a confused azalea
Turtleheads (Chelone glabra) are native to the eastern part of the US. They like shade and moist ground.
Ahh, yep, thanks for clearing my error up. And then there is the Chelone lyonii, which are pink with darker foliage (I just got some for my new garden area). Those are native to the southeastern USA.