Watch yourself there; you're starting to make me literally shake. How dare you not accept our lord and savior *big government* into your heart? It's common knowledge that the government is going to solve all of our problems and that they need all our tax dollars to do it. And hunting innocent animals really pulls on my heartstrings; therefore everyone should be banned from doing it.
Alright Mr. Dummkopf, CT is more than Yale and high taxes! We gave the world George Bush AND Aaron Hernandez (from my hometown)
Yale. Great place to work. This was a hell of a masonry project. Retired after this one. What the school produces is another story.
OK Eric, one BOOLA. Since when you speaking German ? And remember Bush came out of Texas. As for Hernandez, you win. And.....Bert and I came out of a Yale dorm. I win. Back to Beech.
Too much beating around the Bushes, Ivy League dorm rooms, and Sesame Street for me to comprehend tonight.