So in the ongoing dirt project behind the shop I work at, 84,000 cubic yards of waste dirt is looking more like 115,000 yards. They are out of room and almost done. But the environmental watchdog wouldn’t allow any more trees to be taken out because bats or doves or something might be nesting. Today we got the word that it was ok to go ahead and remove them. I took out about a dozen small elms with the loader. In order to finish the dirt and get the slopes right and make it all blend together this last huge & ugly cottonwood had to go. Took me a couple hours to form a plan. To big to push over with a dozer or loader. Probably over 5’ across the hollow area. It was fun but also a lot of work but worked out pretty much according to my plan. Plus the temperature was 95f. P.S. I need a bigger saw
That is an ugly tree! Took longer to plan then fell it. Id be scratching my head looking at it. Nice work SHB! Did you take wood or did it get buried?
Nice job getting that ugly down. Since it is a project where you work, is your employer paying you to do this?
Did they pay you extra to use your own saw? Maybe a 80-90cc Husky (saw of your choice) as a Christmas bonus this year!
I think I see a 395xp in someone's future... ...Maybe a 3120xp? Yep, it's a need now, not even a want.
We kinda talked about a bigger saw wondering if we could somehow get the dirt guys to pay for it. But there wasn’t time because I knew there wasn’t one at the nearest dealer. Was talking about a 395 and the boss asked “how much is that? $600-$700?” More like $1200 or $1300 I said. I use my saws to supply wood for the shop, but it is on his time. So I get paid to make firewood. It’s all good.
I like cottonwoods, they grow fast (and I mean REALLY fast), provide medium energy wood. Their not bad trees, but i don't one too close to my house. And doing HVAC for a living the way, I have seen the way it can blanket a AC unit and cause all kinds of problems. This is a picture of me and one of the biggest cottonwoods in my little town. And yes, it might be a bit rotten on the inside. And you know what, they saved my little part of our country right after the "Dirty 30's". Everyone started planting what we now call tree belts or shelter belts.
Not yet, HL Supply got an update delivery date of 22 Sept. I think I'm okay with that as I have plenty of saws as it is. Sold the 026 and need to get the DCS6421 up to speed (thinking of selling it as well).
Yup, in South Dakota where there were not many trees, cottonwood can be fine. A good purpose and a weed tree for the job! That is why I feel there is an exception to the "death to all cottonwood trees."
Thats a BIG tree! Nice to put a face to the user name Steve. I often wonder what the person at the other end looks like.