I thought they were phlox too, but then I Googled Sweet Williams and decided it was a possibility so let it go Those Echinacea are attention getters, that's for sure.
The clump of white stargazers are open. They have the same scent at the pink-ish stargazers. So, I expect they are in the same family. You can find potted stargazers at home centers and even grocery stores. I've noticed them in past years and kept an eye on them. once the blooms go by, they usually discount the pot of them. Buy them. Plant them. Enjoy them next year.
Those red bastids! They look like stretched out lady bugs. A few years back, I was unaware of them. Almost lost all my Oriental lilies. Not a happy Mike. Including the stargazers and tiger lilies Not the daylilies. Since then, myself and a nearby friend, are on the lookout for them, in early spring. As soon as they are spotted, the plants get a Sevin spray. You can see the results of being pro-active agaisnt them red monsters.
The septic field flower bed had some flatsedge taking over. I went out this morning and dug them up. These could take over the area if left unchecked. The spikelets were itchy where they contacted my arms. Last year the woods and swamp were loaded with jewel weed blossoms. There are carpets of them around. Walking around this morning, the tops were eaten by deer. The plants hold a bit of moisture in the stalks, maybe the drought conditions made them appetizing for deer. There is a doe with triplets in the area. More mouths to feed. Just a few blossoms. Other than that, not much else doing around here. The bedroom project is taking time, yard maintenance is falling behind. I'll say it again, great pictures everyone. I like to see the variety growing here.
I do, but it stopped taking photos. I believe it needs a software update. I just have to sit down and figure out what it needs.
we used to have these awesome orange lillies outside of the chimney area. then we planted white lillies to complement them. Several year later they kept thinning out, and we couldn;t figure why. chipmunk.....
The hummingbirds and the butterflies love the lantanas and the Canna lillies I took this this am. Black swallowtail butterfly.
Not sure what this bush is but always liked it when it came onto bloom. Hopefully these came out ok as I was trying to take pics when the wind wasn't blowing to hard. If you look hard you can see some deep pink towards the center.
I've had several plants sprout up from dropped blossoms/seeds. These have been moved. These child plants have both white and pink flowers. I have about 5 more to dig up and move or just trash. It takes about 3 yes after transplanting before they flower.