In loving memory of Kenis D. Keathley 6/4/81 - 3/27/22 Loving father, husband, brother, friend and firewood hoarder Rest in peace, Dexterday

The Car Hoarding thread

Discussion in 'The Wood Pile' started by Deadwood, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. Midwinter


    Aug 8, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Nashua, NH
    The 180 is fine but the 250 doesn't sound right. My husband put in a new air filter, but I haven't tried it again. I haven't had any big wood to cut.
    Thanks for asking...
    Chaz, metalcuttr, WeldrDave and 2 others like this.
  2. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Bring it with you, I'll look at it... No expert but I'm sure if it's something simple we'll figure it out.
    Stephiedoll, Chaz, metalcuttr and 3 others like this.
  3. Midwinter


    Aug 8, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Nashua, NH
    Thanks! You can listen to it, and tell us what you think.
  4. Urban Woods

    Urban Woods

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Newark region of Essex Co. NJ
    Thats a good idea Molly, I was just thinking to myself why haven't I thought of that on my own? Then I remembered that for years this dump has been nothing but an impenetrable hellscape. So I haven't had the chance to learn the "Etiquette" of "Dump Culture" yet. If it looks like this dump may stay this way I will definitely try a little "schmoozing" :emptywallet:after all I have more cigars than I can ever smoke :sherlock: and more 20's then I could ever.....well never mind about that, but I'm sure I can part with a few:rolleyes::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
    Chaz, metalcuttr, Midwinter and 2 others like this.
  5. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    The 250 "is" a finicky saw, Also, I've noticed in mine, if the mixture is slightly rich with oil, it'll run like a half dead dog with three legs :picard:. 50:1 has got to be close on the 250.
  6. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    "If" you ever want to take the leap North, as I'm doing, call me or we can chat here. I can save you some of the learning curve that I'm going through but the only advise I can say is, When you get that chance, "GO" don't even hesitate. New Jersey is NOT the place to be! Think of this. NJ is approaching 9 "Million" people! The state is smaller than New Hampshire, and New Hampshire has 1.4 "million". For me, this was an easy choice. Plus I love it so much up there! Come up to my place some time and you won't want to leave...
    Chaz, metalcuttr, fishingpol and 4 others like this.
  7. Urban Woods

    Urban Woods

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Newark region of Essex Co. NJ
    Well I thank you for the invite WeldrDave! I'm thinking I want to live on or very close to some sort of body of water or a river. I grew up in a salt water bay-men's lifestyle so I've been "armchair" scoping out areas in southern Connecticut and Rhode Island waterfront on Zillow. Though not sure that location will make me feel any less controlled by the man. Maybe I will take you up on that offer one day and you can convince me that NH living is for me? There is one issue I will have with most of my siblings being in Long Island so I would be moving further away from everyone, but hey thats what visits are for I guess. And yes 9 million and I'm in the densest zone!!!!
    Chaz, metalcuttr, WeldrDave and 2 others like this.
  8. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Understand this! I lived in Newport, RI, New London, Groton and Mystic, Ct. If you think NJ is Communist, well My suggestion to you is "DON'T go to either state!!! You get NJ all over again. I'm not going political and not going to say anymore. But lastly, You will be in Little NJ again!!! TRUST ME!!! I too was raised on the water, Cape May to be exact. I looked out my front window and saw the Harbor. Went surfing every day in the summer, swam, fished and so on. Let me put it to you in this manner, The more at the shore, is more at the shore and it's more $$$$$$$$ at the shore and there is now more than ever before at the shore! My taxes went up 5 fold since 1986. Enjoy your stay at the shore my friend. I have land 2 miles from 2 ponds, and 1/2 mile from the Ashuelot river and 5 miles from the Connecticut river. Not to mention 2 miles away from Pisgha state park and miles and miles of ATV, snowmobile and hiking trails. I'm up on 129 acres and 8 families are up there. :cool::D:thumbs::yes: I can hear a chipmunk fart! So, Good luck with the weed whackers, mowers, Boats, airplanes, screaming kids, traffic, pot smells all day, drunks, buses, business lights so you can't see the stars at night, arrogant people, waiting in ling to get a sandwich. yeah, I'll miss all that stuff....... ;)"NOT"!!!! :rofl: :lol:
    Chaz, metalcuttr, Urban Woods and 3 others like this.
  9. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    I forgot to mention, My Father was a Commercial Fisherman since 1932, he's long past but thats the family "I" grew up in. My Father and family were all Gloucester men. Grand pop had a Schooner from Liverpool, sailed it too Newfoundland, St. John. Yeah, a little salt water in my Blood. I do understand being close to the shore, but I'm not dealing with Hurricane and Nor-Easters "ANY" longer!!!
    Chaz, metalcuttr, Urban Woods and 3 others like this.
  10. buZZsaw BRAD

    buZZsaw BRAD

    Feb 14, 2019
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    North Haven, Connecticut
  11. Midwinter


    Aug 8, 2017
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    Nashua, NH
    They were a bit fragrant in the car! fishingpol is going to adopt them and do something creative with them. Some of the nails: IMG_20200715_58775.jpg
  12. fishingpol


    Oct 3, 2013
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    Merrimack Valley, Ma.

    I've been known to re-use square nails. I'll give those timbers a good look over. Definitely some history to them. I'll certainly re-purpose them into something awesome.:yes:
  13. Urban Woods

    Urban Woods

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Newark region of Essex Co. NJ
    Yep that sounds similar to my experience growing up though mine was commercial fishing out of the Fire Island Inlet in Long Island and Clam digging in the Great South Bay in the 1970s through the early 90s before becoming a teacher. Sounds like your family goes back one generation fishing before mine. Coincidentally my father was born in 1932 and he started in the industry independently as his father worked in Sanitation for NYC. He grew up in Brooklyn working out of Sheepshead Bay in the early 50's on party boats before working on draggers after his stint in the Korean War and eventually independently as a local gill netter. My Brothers got into clamming during the boom of the late 60s early 70s after the whole area set up with clams, then the bust came in the 80s. Unfortunately when I started of age to clam (in the late 70s) I came into it during the decline and never got that financial head start in life my brothers got. My father had to quit gill netting completely in the early 80s due to all the regulations that made it impossible for the little guy to make any money. During that time I worked part time clamming and fishing while going to school. Clamming was the mainstay job and always available, but when fish were running (Stripers, Weakfish, Mackerel, Porgies, etc..) I was needed on the gill net boat so that's where I worked helping him pull in nets.

    When My father ended his commercial fishing career (if you call it that) he went strictly into clamming and last year at age 88 he finally sold the clam boat and retired. He was one of the last commercial clammers on the Suffolk area of the bay. There are still some who do it recreationally or have small accounts with restaurants they supply, but he was the last of the old time baymen who's main income came from fishing, potting, or harvesting clams. When we first moved from Brooklyn to Long Island in the 60s the Bay was full of life and my father did it all from scalloping to Eeling and as a child I though it was a way of life that would last forever. Now the bays everywhere around here (Jersey, New York, to a degree the Chesapeake) are sick and making a living off the water is mostly a romantic notion, but still there are people we know who continue to earn their livelihoods potting for crabs and blowfish in our area of Long Island.

    Here is a painting I made for my brother last year as a gift for his new home. It is from memory and also based off some old photos. The scene takes place around 1975 when the bay was full of young men hustling. His boat he had just built himself and is the one seen in the picture with both my brothers on it as they are moving to another spot. It's actually only 85 percent finished here I added birds working in the back and in the foreground the final has much better detail, but I cant find the final picture. You see this piece was rushed for a gallery show and so this is how it hung in the show unfinished. When show was over I finished it. I think my wife may have the final version on her phone, but my brother has it hanging at his home in Bayshore LI. Since I was introduced at such an early age to the lifestyle its in my blood so to speak and I can't help but love being near the sea.

    Attached Files:

  14. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
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    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Yup! That clamming with tong's ain't NO JOKE!!! That made men of steel!!! My family all go back to back to the counties of Meath and Clair in Ireland. My Brother and one of our cousins found our ancestry to 1172. o_O I still have first cousins who settled in Newfoundland and in NovaScotia. Yes, we are carved from the same men and women. My Father was born 1917, in Liverpool England where Grandpop was fishing, met a nice Lady there, and the rest was history... :tears:
    The water is a hard, hard living. People don't realize it beats on you all day. :( I spent 12 full years at sea on Military ships and to those guys in our family, that was a love boat ride!
  15. WeldrDave

    WeldrDave Military Outpost Moderator

    Oct 8, 2013
    Likes Received:
    The Communist Socialist Republic of New Jersey
    Sorry gang....Didn't mean to :Yar: My apologies... :heidi:
  16. Biddleman


    Aug 14, 2019
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    River Hills of Pennsylvania
    Almost all oak, 4 rounds of maple, and a couple tulip poplar. 20200715_195241.jpg 20200715_195255.jpg
  17. Urban Woods

    Urban Woods

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Newark region of Essex Co. NJ
    Wow WeldrDave Your family has great history... Real salts of the earth! I'm so happy to hear that and also you have a good grasp of their lineage going back 300 years. So important and I'm sure you're doing this, but keep passing everything you know about your history to the new ones in your family before everything gets erased and rewritten. We need the new generations to understand where they came from and defend our proud past as there was much to be proud. The alternative is to feel ashamed of an amazing heritage which is unfortunately what they are being taught while we live in strange and probably all too comfortable times. As for me I can only go back with my family about 120 to 150 yrs around the time and just before my grandparents on both sides started to immigrate over from Italy and Sicily.

    Yep and I can say working the tongs was very hard for me especially during the decline years as I think that hindered my inspiration and I never got the hang of it. I did have my days, but men twice my age like my father embarrassingly for me could also yield twice what I would produce. My oldest brother 10 years my senior was an animal and one of the best on the bay, But like most they all had to get land jobs.
    Believe it or not in the late 80's I discovered I could tread with my feet for clams better than tonging so my father would drop me off in the shallows..or flats as we call it and work his spot then pick me up for lunch and Culling out to go home. That's what I did in my last 4 years during my college summer breaks. Then during the fall and winter I would work weekends back with tongs on the other side of the boat. With treading I could keep up with the best of them and I loved it!. Maybe I was meant to be a dancer ??
  18. Urban Woods

    Urban Woods

    Jan 30, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Newark region of Essex Co. NJ
    That tulip poplar almost looks like Black Locust, but it's bark looks to be poplar. You owe that car a drink haha!
  19. Midwinter


    Aug 8, 2017
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    Nashua, NH
    You had to have maxed out your carrying capacity with that load! Especially if it was mostly oak. Those kind of rides home make me nervous.
  20. Chazsbetterhalf


    May 18, 2018
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    Interesting history and beautiful picture.