Qtla! Plus I liked your post because that's what we do here at the FHC. Your spinning your wheels with this one.
Wheels up. Surplus use means no meaning. Sounds a litle like Mr. Rogers, but it it is what it is. "Will you be my neighbor ?" Thx to P² & Gorley I may ( may) do the deed for deleting "likes". P.S. "Qtla" ? Another TLA ?
Without being allowed to dislike anything today.. it all by default becomes a "like" by acknowledging its existence. It helps me catch up on threads I fall behind on. I don't think many here live or post for "the likes" Just saying $.02
Plz continue I'm not saying you are wrong in any way, but I'm guilty as charged of "abuse" of the like button. There are some I don't "like".. so I don't click it.. But show me someplace where there is an active "thumbs down" option. There may be some sites, but I've not been to them.
Right. Good points Chaz Additionally, the “like” button is often used to indicate that a post has in fact been read..... “butt”.... (which anyone can see as being chosen instead of typing “@zz”).... some folks just insist on being contrary. So, let’s say it out loud- this is the way we do things at FHC... get with it or take your toys and play somewhere else.
I like likes so I've liked all these posts. Actually this all sounds rather childish. If someone really does not like the likes, then he or she or it can just ignore it. Making a post about it? This is hard to believe. As for me and my house, I'll like it.
Not to derail this but when I initially read it I thought it was about folks who use the word “like” 200+ times in one sentence. It seems more prevalent in younger people but it drives me nuts. I had a conversation with a 50+ year old english teacher a while back every other word out of her mouth was “like” . About drove me nuts! I’m no academic scholar but when people repeatedly use a word needlessly I feel it makes me tune them out a bit when they talk. May just be my own personal problem. I’m done for now. Can anyone here relate to what I’m saying? Thanks.
Totally agree. Been a pet peeve of mine since it really took a foothold during the 80’s “valley girl” crap. As kids, we weren’t allowed to say “duh” in our house, and any repetitive use of the word “like” wasn’t tolerated when friends would come over.
Well? Add "OK" to "like" and "doh". Also the rising voice inflection of the valley girl speech. "Whatever".