Smoked two baby backs this afternoon and had my parents over for dinner. One rack sauced and one dry. Little piney was chowin down! He was a fan of the sauced rack
Pork sandwiches came out great. Thin sliced on rolls with barbecue sauce and sharp cheddar. Pan fried with a bacon weight on it until the cheese melts. Pickles, chips, slaw, macaroni salad... Charcoal worked out ok. No bad flavors in the smoke.
B&M baked beans Grew up on em but havnt had them in many years. Picked up a can and was disappointing compared to Bush's Beans
Thanks brother, but I was a bit disappointed Kept them on for 6 hours, kept temp (as best I could) in the 250° range, but they turned out tougher than normal. Internal temp was fine, but never did pull away from bones. Still tasted good, just tough Edit.. I don't do the 3-2-1 method, just cook em straight through. No wrapping.
My last ribs (about a month ago) didnt pull from the bone either but I learned from an earlier cook that did the same and I kept those on too long waiting for the pullback from bone-came out drier than usual. I pulled the ones a month ago when the meat felt right this time and they were prefect with the right amount of resistance in the meat and very moist and no pull back.
Will take that into account gbreda On further reflection and research, I don't think my internal temp was quite high enough. 165° internal. I've read some go for a 200° Int. temp I would have preferred 175°, but it was getting late. I did have a couple of times that temps in the grill dipped under 200 before we caught it. That probably led to a lot of my issues. Not the end of the world. If I decide to keep the Brinkman, I'm gonna look into gasketing the smoker section to see if that will help control temps.
Smokes a 3lb center cut port roast yesterday for sammiches. Wasnt sure how it would come out so I somewhat mimicked my pulled beef method. 200 deg indirect and in da smoke for 2 hours. Covered with foil at 200 deg for another 3ish hours till meat was at 190 deg. I was concerned about drying it out due to the lack of fat content compared to a butt which was why I covered it and kept the heat low. Used my similar rub concoction as ribs and also injected with apple juice. Sliced easy and tender/moist as can be. Little less taste without the fat in there but some Bone Sucking Sauce mustard and the sammies were Making burritos tonight with the leftover pork. Next time I may try marinating the roast for a few days with Stubbs Citrus and Onion marinade.
In my home town of Scarborough there was a Humpty Dumpty potato chip factory and on a cold morning the hint of fresh chips waffed across the town. Snowflakes probably refer to this as air pollution now. I caught a whiff of the b&m factory the last time I was in Maine driving 195