While I know there are policeman that have made mistakes, there are a ton who risk quite a bit, endangering themselves for every error on the side of caution I heard about a policeman that had a 4 foot diameter white oak go down on his property, in too soft an area to get equipment too. So me and three friends loaded up the splitter and 4 wheeler and cart and processed it all and hauled it all out (he did not burn wood) Two massive loads, and thanks to a fine officer at the same time.
I agree that the vast majority of law enforcement offices are top notch and deserve our full respect. Gooder for you to lend a hand to help him out. The wood is just a perk for a job well done.
Nice job Greg taking care of our men in blue! I recall Eric VW once got white oak from a policeman. He probably deserved it though...
Nice work Greg. Definitely a team effort for a tree that size. Having the right equipment helps too. How long was the entire process?
Yes...and I recently heard a cop say that nobody hates a bad cop more than a good cop....thought hmm...that's probably true!
I'm not disagreeing with this statement, what I do disagree with is, when they don't say anything and allow the bad ones to keep doing it, than they are just as guilty. Maybe the good ones will start standing up to their fellow gangmembers
From arrival on site at 8am, had everything split (down to at least owb size) by 1130, but had to shuttle one load and it was half our each way. So by the time I dumped second load at my place it was 1:30pm, including pizza break. then I had to go back a third trip to retrieve 4 wheeler and cart, while friend towed log splitter
My retired police officer father never gave me that, but I got the belt a time or two.... Awesome work Greg
I went to school with guys who became good cops.I told one of my friends your the kind of person who should be a cop.You don't bully the badge.If you don't have cops then you have to become the cop and that's not a nice job with the amount of madness in the streets.Another fella I knew did prison time for drugs he said Rich you need cops.There are people in prison that do things so terrible that it doesn't make the news.He went on to say that there was a guy in prison who was there because he was castrating young boys and had their members in his pocket.Ya we need the police.
Darn close to four piled like that. 3.5 to 4.0 I think as the trailer stacked with small slope is 2 and I got two loads and other guys took maybe 4 pickup loads on limb wood that didn’t need split I never actually saw the tree standing and they had brush chipped by company that took it down, but it must have been a big one