I think her question was more specifically.. Did you put rub on the loin before you added bacon. To which I'd say the answer is.. Yes
ok...ordered 1pc cast grate for the jumbo joe and it aint fittin...so order adiffernt one...not here yet no pics. made a mount for jumbo joe to attach to the stick burner
Added wood handles nothing against weber they make good stuff...but when the fires hot youll need to pick up a rock or something to knock that daisy wheel around
the nice thing about the mod is the jumbo joe is still stock....the offset only has a small piece of tubing welded on it,and the mount can just pull out and go in the rack underneath or some where else and its light
I love me some wings, but at ~ $3/lb.. and about the same as some ribs.. I'm gonna pick ribs Just saying
Pork butt's been on since 11pm last night and getting ready to fire up the clam cooker. 300 clams fresh off the boat ready to be cooked!
Yessir! My parents and my in laws are coming over along with my wife's grandfather. Should be a good day
Just pulled it off the smoker and wrapped it up. She's resting in the cooler. I love when the bone is already on its way out
I am having the same problem with ribs- $5 / lb., and I think the pigs were held on a prison farm because they are so thin. So starting to lean away from the more traditional smoking meats and moving toward some leaner cuts of pork, especially loin. Smoked one a few days ago with apple and it was surprisingly good. And compared with ribs, about 25% the cost per pound (of consumable meat- there are no bones in a pork loin). That, coupled with the price of beef is climbing rather rapidly and sharply. I am not normally frugal and am fine paying for decent food but while the price has been going up, the quality has been going down just as fast. But as my son would say, isn't it great to have first- world problems? I always remember I am complaining about what kind of food I am complaining about- not everyone has sufficient food of any kind so really pretty small problems. I have also heard that some people do not have smokers!!! Now I know this cannot be true but imagine not being able to crust and bark dead animals in the yard..... shiver me timbers, even the thought is pretty scary.
You've raised a smart son. 1st world problems indeed. We love smoking pork loin as well. Always pick 1 or 2 up when they go on sale ~$2/lb
had a thunderstorm come in just when it was time to searanyways its prolly a little past medium which is fine with me
I like the little sputnik "munchie" meat cooker you have mounted there. Gotta have something to eat/do while smokin & drinkin. Kick some of those thunderstorms up my way, grass is brown & crispy and the garden needs watering every other evening. Hay....., what hay.