Already vented...and lockable door too! (wood thieves and all...'course it'd take a pretty desperate thief to steal logs out of a portolet )
The guys I got the "pallets" from said that's been a problem lately...that and hand sanitizer theft...nothing like not discovering that stuff is gone until after its "too late"
Having done the last 20 years on big construction projects I can state unequivocally that toilet paper has always been an issue And that’s as far as I should go with that category of story LOL May be a bit unsightly having portolets all over ones yard. Once the toilet paper zombies (Brad) go away It’d probably make a great security system. How many prowlers (Besides Brad) would go snooping around that What me? I’m just looking for a roll of Catalpa!! LMAO!
True...but I'm told that people stealing the stuff has been even more of an issue since the great "2020 TP shortage"
When one sits on the pot too long (usually from reading a magazine or tablet) and their legs go numb.
I dunno why I never noticed it before...but these things are reinforced pretty well...I grabbed another one to put in place and I managed to drop it on its top...this is what the bottom looks like...could park a truck on 'em!
At one point or another in its life...I'm sure! It rained this morning before I got started...I had them standing on their sides so when I grabbed it one of those little indents along the sides must of had some rain in it I do believe...not pee...I guarantee This things have been sitting outside for at least a I think they are rain and UV sanitized pretty well.