...or on the pot I should say...potty pallet to be specific. Let me explain...I have been keeping an eye open for cheap and free plastic pallets (aren't we all) and stumbled onto this score. I know people in the "sanitary phone booth" (or porta-potty) rental business and had noticed they had a whole stack of used molded plastic bases that the units mount on, kinda like a plastic pallet...so I inquired as to what they plan on doing with those...the reply was "nothing, you want 'em?" I looked them over and immediately seen why they had been replaced...some spots on the bottom "runners" were worn through in places, not an issue for what was going through my mind...I grabbed a tape measure and did some quick calculations...I said "yeah, I take a couple to try...take 'em all if this works" They have that big hole down through on one side where the porta-pooper holding tank mounts down into, so it took me a bit to figure a cheap/easy way of dealing with that...seems like (2) 8" concrete blocks will suffice. I will just replace my old rotting wood pallets as I go along when racking up my firewood for the next season...I think I may put a Tpost or two between each pallet so that as I need to break into the middle of the 8 (+) cord stack between burn seasons, I don't have so much trouble with the wood stacked up the previous year avalanching down on me. So far it seems this is going to work well...stand by for pics... Kinda nice that there is a little foot that sticks out on each end...prop the pallet that I use to block the end of the stack against up off the ground Before someone mentions cribbing the ends...I get so much gnarly wood that I seldom can make enough straight/square splits to make much decent cribbing.
I'm currently testing these plastic shelves under my pallets, I see them out for the trash all the time.
This is the one thing I am not sure of...how they will take the weight. They are hollow, but very solid to stand and jump on...probably have some internal pillars I'd guess. I guess I'm gonna find out how they do under the weight, time will tell...so far so good...I have the better part of 1/2 cord Red Oak stacked on the one in the pictures and no sign of deflection...I would guess these things will likely take the weight at least as well as some of those cheap pallets I've used...
Looks like they’ll work fine. I haven’t been brave enough to crib on the plastic pallets I have yet. Theyz slippery buggers. Afraid the lateral pressure from the pile would slide the crib right off. Ol rule of thumb. If you can stand and jump on em you can stack wood on em can’t recall off hand what page of the Bible that’s from But you can take it to church
Good grief! First we got buZZsaw BRAD scrounging wood from outhouses/rest areas, now we got brenndatomu stacking wood in them. What's this place coming too? That actually looks like it should work well.
You must be pooped after all that hard work! Great repurpose. Just make sure you wash your hands when your done!
Yeah I told them I would take the majority of what they have right now...maybe all of them. They aren't going anywhere though...they've had them piled up in a big stack trying to figure out how to get rid of them for probably a year already now.
Ya know, them portolets would make a good little wood storage unit Those IBC totes may be a thing of the past