buZZsaw BRAD ??? Connecticut trooper reassigned after video shows profanity-filled tirade |
I'll bet governor Ned Lamont would be pizzed if he knew about the tax-free wood you were collecting that was cut down by your tax-dollars! Nice haul! I've been eying this pile of white ash on the side of an off-ramp for weeks now. If I knew I could get away with it, I'd load it up in a heartbeat.
Go for it. Wood isn’t supposed to sit on the side of the road for weeks. Bad for the grass. Your saving Ned some pennies.
As a fellow CT resident, have you ever filled out one of these forms? It seems there's no limit to the amount of regulation they can put on citizens.
No. I did print off a few and put them in the truck in case I was doing any long hauling with the trailer. But mostly I’m picking close enough to home I’m not worried about it. My property abuts a county line. Some years back the neighbor on the other side was having his land logged. I stopped and asked the logger about the possibility of a truckload of logs. Nope can’t cross that line your standing on Things are much easier now. EAB has gone through and the moths got the oaks. Cops don’t care much about taking wood as long as your not snagging it off private property. Now highways,,,,,,,yeah I can see them getting cranky. Power trip. Exit ramp? Should be no problem as long as your safely off the road. You simply tell them you talked to the state workers tasked with picking them up and they said go for it. I did. State told me I was welcome to anything I want on state roads. FWIW they also told me, of course, they are getting paid. But they must also truck it to the bio energy plant and pay to dump it. Wish somebody would pay for my fuel.
I've always found that when I gank a cool road sign or need to scrounge wood from a questionable area if you wear a helmet and a reflective vest people don't give you a second look.
I noticed quite a few miles of woods along the highways have been clear cut recently, at least on route 9 and 91. From what I can see, a lot of it they run through large chippers right on-site. Massive piles of chips everywhere. It's a shame. I know they used to let people log on state land through some state program, as long as they filled out all the paperwork. No more of that though. They don't make it easy to be a scrounger. So far the only price I've paid for firewood was my time, fuel and energy. I think I will grab the stuff I've been eying. What the heck, with everything going on and all the problems in the world, why should they hassle a guy for filling up a pickup with wood that was left to rot?
If its safe enough go for it. You want a hand...FHC road trip this weekend? Ill have my PU and fill that up too for you? I grabbed some on a 91 entrance ramp a few weeks back.
I carry a couple blank forms with me just in case but so far I have yet to need one. I only recently found the form online by accident looking up information on EAB.
Ha that would be fun! I've got my hands full this weekend getting ready for Memorial Day but I appreciate the offer
Oh Comon, there Mike you're 9 years older than me, ya tellin me that you didn't watch the TV show "CHiPs" growinn Up?? That's where the term "Bonnie Bear" originated, Randi Oakes Played Officer Bonnie Clark, for 69 episodes You can't HONESTLY tell me in 1977-1983, that you wouldn't have been speeding, just Hopin "Bonnie Bear" would pull ya over, if you knew where her Beat was, Can You??? Doug
I do. I do. I do remember those formative years. Well I think I do. I just didn't do much TV watching. Too busy working, staying out of debt.