Had today off so I took down a dead Green Ash (EAB) in the front yard. I replaced it with a Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple. I planted the ash 18 to 20 yrs ago as they are nice trees for shade and grow fast. There were no critters targeting the Ash at that time. I hope i have better success with the Maple. Should heat my home for a week or so. Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk
too too ad about the ash. Keep fertilizing the maple and in 20 years you'll have more btus! Nice work sir! Tree yielded some decent looking wood!
2152. Catalyst in muffler removed and put in a pipe for better flow. Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk
Nice! That is great growth of the tree in that short of a time span. 18-20 years ago is about the time our area started getting hit with the EAB. I cut the first damaged tree on our property in 2002.
Good growth is why I chose Green Ash. Cities seem to have the infestation first around here. I haven't noticed any around our immediate area until this one. Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk