Love me some Anthrax...the band that is. Been listening to them for over 30 years. Seen them numerous times. Love the old stuff. Im partial to "Persistence of Time" as i went through two cassettes as i litened to it so much. Not to knock ATL. Funny the last time is saw them two years ago all the young uns are kinda clueless to the old stuff while im going ape chit headbanging! Of the big four they put on the best show by far. GF had gifted me and her son meet and greet for them a few years back. The show got cancelled due to a major snowstorm in the mid Atlantic states. They couldnt make it to Connecticut.
Found the shirt i bought 30 years ago when i first saw them. Meant to post the other night. If youve never seen them i highly recommend it. Phenomenal live show.
Only second time ive worked with it so "new and different" novelty factor. Straight grained, easy to split, easy to get and i wouldnt be able to sleep if i left it there. Wasnt a whole lot and i left the gnarly chunks. Its very similar to sassafras grain and texture wise. I wasnt that crazy about tulip. Need some fast seasoning stuff in the mix too.
Its getting stacked with the cribbage wood. SS half of it yesterday at my friends. Gnarlies into general cordage. Ive read that it spits a lot. Is this true based on your experience?
ive only had it once myself. Not knocking ya Brad. I know your gonna grab it. Once it dries it’s light as a feather, lighter than tulip or sass. Disappears fast in the stove. There’s a place for everything. Works good to throw a few splits on a light coal bed and get it running fast. I didn’t really notice any spitting. Soapstone stove is pretty quiet though. Maybe it soaks up sound as well as heat I’m bucking the logs from two years ago. Find small logs in the pile of punky maple or black birch. Think to myself what the heck did I take those for? I know the answer. It was there
Here’s a good one for you Brad: I have a friend that lives in NY. He was at a friends birthday party and look who was there.