Well this one aint exactly mine but im gonna try to sell it for a friend. Long story short, a friend of mine's mom is losing her house. Her husband passed away a few years ago and unfortunately had more debt out than she knew about. Fast forward to today. My friend lives in colorado. He called and asked if I'd come take some of his hunting stuff that he had stored at his mom's before the bank took it. I went over and loaded up his hunting stuff and while we were inside asked about the wood stove. It's an upland model 107 they've had since the mid 80's. It's been used as an insert for all its life but she still had the original feet too! They didn't want to see it go with the house so my buddy and i offered to take it out of the house and store it at my place until i can find a buyer for it. She also had a very nice john wright steamer with a trivet that I gave her $25 for. Figgerd I'd dress up ol grandma a little. Not a bad lookin stove! Neat thing is that these stoves were actually also made one town over from me after they were purchased from the original owner in ny.
I have one stove in "reserve" now. It is a tank built fisher knock off that I think I will never sell unless I get a very good price. The thing is great and will outlast me by lots!!! So one more stove is just fine in my book!
Hey man, Smokinpiney that’s a very cool stove indeed. I just picked up an Upland 17 in Medford Lakes! Also about a town over and pretty sure it is a made in Medford one.
Very cool tim117 ! I ended up selling the upland to a guy from north jersey. He wanted it for his hunting cabin.
Thanks. That’s cool. They are nice looking stoves. I think I know where the shop was in Medford going by webbie’s video and also cause I been told it was right off Sokes rd./Main Street, and hanging out in Medford a lot when I was younger.