Nice day to be out. Mostly cloudy and 50 degrees. Cut for a couple hours . Some Cedar and some Pinion Pine.
What's the tree behind the saw ? It looks a little bit like the Atlantic White Cedar ( actually a cypress) that grows here.
The tree behind the saw is a Juniper. there are a couple variety's, Utah Juniper and Rocky Mountain Juniper. I think that one is a RockyMountain. The locals just call them all cedars because they smell like cedars.
Thanks Buzzsaw. Mostly softwood, but there is some scrub oak that can be worthwhile with some 6-8" diamter trunks. Also some cedar ( juniper ) like the one in the photo behind the saw, but we are only allowed to cut dead and down wood using BLM or Forest service permits, and those things live forever so they are getting harder to find !!