Pine and spruce taking the chill out. Might be last load until tonight. We'll have to see just how fast the temps drop and the wind kicks up this afternoon. edit: can't figure out how to delete the attached file from an earlier accidentally aborted post attempt. oops
We're supposed to get some snow, but I have doubts about how much. Wunderground is showing 1" today and 2" tonight on my main page, then when I go to the hourly totals it adds up to 3.4". On the calendar page, it's showing 3.1" for today and 1.9" for tomorrow. I guess we'll be getting some snow. Maybe.
We've had low to mid 40's all week, only small fires. We had a cold front move through today, started as rain & sleet, with the rest all snow. Heavy 6" fell and the winds were gusting to around 40mph, so plenty of snow plastered on the s-sw side of things. Our snowfall this season thus far is a measly 91". Our wood usage is half of what we normally burn. Not complaining though I'd like a good storm.
10 F this morning. Ugh. Pine and Maple heating the Wood Gun back up now. I let it go a little too long and it ran out of wood. We got spoiled with those warmer temperatures. Storm that came through brought us maybe 2-3 inches of rain/sleet/snow and a lot of wind. Just enough to be a mess. But, it looks like just about everything could melt away next week! Four days in a row of a high of 42ish!
Pine, but because the curled up leaves on the rhododendron bush are indicating cold outside, some red maple is next. Plus basking in the sun coming thru the southern facing window isn't cutting it. Looks like it will be a tiny bit warmer than they were forecasting yesterday and that's OK.
17 this AM. Ash in the stove last night and this morning. Furnace must have come on about 5 or so this morning, which is just about what I thought. I didn't completely load the stove, so no expectation of an 8-9 hour "burn" cycle. 72 at my desk. About 2" of fresh snow overnight and into early this AM.
Hoping the snow quits by bedtime. Just put 4 splits of Ash and some small pine kindling in the stove, and I'll reload before bed.
About 2 here this morning. Pine splits, one big round of White Ash, and a heavy sprinkle of Rice Coal keeping the Wood Gun and us warm. This looks like it may be the last of the “colder” temperatures. No complaints here!
17 and 75 this morning. Got some beech waiting on the coals. Decent weekend on tap but a little cooler than average. Back to early spring next week. We’re headed for a B&B along the mid coast tomorrow to celebrate 40 years. It’ll be much warmer than that day in 1980. It was -25 for our wedding day in Caribou.
18 at 6:15 when the dog had to get up. Up to 25 now and just loaded the stove with all pignut hickory. Expected high of 28. Happy anniversary Maina