Not a bike pic but... I had the bike shop boss order me another helmet to use up all my shop credit. I feel like a little kid before xmas! It will be my first Arai. The Nicky6. Did I mention I'm excited?
Any long riders in here? Anyone interested in a Saddle Sore 1000? My friend Jim is offering a Trifecta all starting from Sault St Marie, MI on June 20, 2020. Jim is a great guy. I have done a few Iron Butts with him he is a pure long rider. More info here: 2020 IBA Trifecta
Great rides! I did the UP route almost identically several years ago. All I can say is. Be prepared for potentially cold riding. I froze.
That’s a big 10-4. Lake Superior is so big and cold it creates it’s own weather. The north shore can be brutal. I have gone around Lake Superior 5 times on a bike. Two times were an Iron Butt. 17 hours 15 minutes on a Honda CB1100. Then 20 hours on a Honda Forza 300 scooter. One time it was 300 miles of rain and the other time was 400 miles of rain. Without gore tex clothing, Danner boots, and heated gear I don’t think I would have made the 1056 miles,,
Went to the dealership's storage party (those that store their bikes there get their own party). While at the party, you get to visit your bike