Does it get very muddy where you are getting the wood? Will mud hamper your efforts? With all the talk of locust on here im dying to score some. Passed a potential locust score yesterday. Have to work it though.
The area where the wood is won’t be bad, it’s a hill top 300’ from the river, with a easy 70’ higher elevation. Water runs off fast, only problem is one steep hill. I barely got up it last weekend after a misting rain. Last thing I want is to be jack knifed on that hill with the trailer. Just not worth it. I hope you come across a BL score. You deserve it.
Locust thread coming. Smart move, the wood can wait. Can you quad so far then walk in with the saw and buck some to get your "fix" and retrieve it later? Or do the rounds risk being taken by another hoarder?
I probably could but I won’t chance it. Temps r supposed to drop 30 degrees tomorrow. Might have a chance to get in Sunday.
I normally don’t walk past ash but in this case I’m after the locust. If I could only get my tractor and winch up that hill I’d make quick work of it! Wishful thinking, honestly thankful to get what I’m getting.
You must not know where to start with that much great firewood at your disposal? I know i would feel that way! Having never really scored much locust im jonesing to get some. Really intrigued by it.
That’s exactly how I feel. I always have a plan but don’t know where to start here. I guess the more I cut to make it easier to get around the better off I’ll be.
2 more atv loads out today. I got into some 18-20” rounds, they are starting to get heavy at that size.
Nice work! you are in locust Heaven! Im surprised no snow there. We got 3-4". Sun out and good melting. The Fiskars handily halved the 12" barkless rounds for me the other day. Did you it a try Slocum ? I had to carry them a distance to the truck by the road otherwise i wouldnt have. Wanna hit my score but wont be able to in a while.
your standing/fallen dead stuff is brown inside. I forget who told me but thats ready to burn. Did you put a MM to them? EDIT: reread earlier posts and see 18-25% moisture If you hit the score this week could you cut an extra load for me?
I split a few with the Fiskars, I was just trying to fill in gaps the big rounds created on the trailer.
I checked moisture the first day I cut up there. 18-25%. It’s strange, one cut will throw brown chips then 16” down the log will throw yellow chips. Even when there’s a rotten center, move down log and rotten spot is gone. I’m sure I could cull it and find dry stuff to burn but I plan on css it for next year. I did burn a little yesterday that I found standing dead last winter on my neighbor. I was impressed, burnt hot, long and clean. Very little ash left behind. The coals looked like molten lava! Lol.