Just thought I would share a couple piles I have worked on in the past months.Anyone give me a guess as to how much cherry in the pile?
Thanks 40x60 with 6' wall height.I just need to put doors on the front now to avoid snow blowing in..
Thanks for the guess i just know I split it on the weekend in a couple hours before the temps dropped again
The whole outside perimeter would be beautifully stacked wood with a little fort in the middle with a lazy boy to just stare at my wood
a second lazy boy for another lazy boy (old man in my case) to stare at the wood. Sounds like the ultimate FHC man cave! I talked to the Asplundh log truck driver for a while yesterday Woodwhore Got some interesting info. The truck had a blown hydraulic line for the claw. He was PU the remnants and had broke down.
Nope the big pile is all poplar only cherry is the small pile and 2 of the bundles of slab wood in the one picture.I kept a nice cherry log not sure why as I have no way of milling it and then if I did not sure what I would make.I figured I can always still cut up that log in the spring.
No idea actually I was asking about the cherry pile as I am thinking of trying to sell it but till I get it stacked no idea.The big pile for sure has a bunch also I have no idea till it is stacked later this spring providing I do not ad to it..
Nice setup with conveyor and enclosure!!!! How long will those piles last you if you were to convert to BTU?
That's a couple of hours splitting ?? For all that wood ?? I'm feeling woefully inadequate right now......
More than a couple hours worth of splitting as I did it alone and have found out I am not as young as I was many years ago..