28* here. 69* inside we finally have snow on the ground. 2" of yooperdave 's white cement. Beautiful sunny 1st day of the year. I think it's safe to say Ash will be the fuel till spring. I did stash some Black Locust for the real cold.
Seen cold, I just don’t understand why people think it’s slippery. In my experience snow and ice doesn’t get slippery until it warms up
WINDY most last night and again now. Add some snow to what was on the ground 4' & 6' drifts in 18 hours Complete whiteout til noon. Something is not right above our bedroom, I ran around the house with a FLIR a couple years ago and the ceiling above our bedroom and orig bathroom lit up, no attic or access in that 1/3 of the house, won't tear into it unless we end up staying here. Anyway the SW wind is what really cools the house off, drafts straight down the hall from bed to laundry room. Pellet stove's been choochin'
Had to do a double take at the outdoor temps this morning..... 29f right now! I know, right? Such mild temps once again! Sheesh! wildwest Hope you are able to dig out alright. Regarding the ceiling, I wonder if because of the winds that are famous (infamous) out there that maybe the attic has blown insulation and there was enough wind to create pressure difference to move that loose fill insulation around? Maybe? Or, it could've been the same carpenters that worked on 99's house and just neglected to put insulation in all the stud/joist spaces!
Yooper, we are warm again too. Looks like a bit after 8:00 last night the temperature started raising. Crazy, but looks like we're may be over it. Probably be back to reality soon. Still, it would be nice to have a mild winter again. Really might be nice to have an early spring.
39 this afternoon Sick and calling it a day Loaded up with some pine uglies and a maple and aspen round .
spoke to the farm in michigan yesterday where we go and they have only got in 200 acers of corn. its been so wet there.so hopeing it will dry soon. over here its been very wet and one farm i shoot is still waiting to drill 400 acers of wheat.
It's bananas Yoops. I have a feeling there is no insulation at all on that corner. It's a ranch house that consists of original building and 2 additions, 3 different roof lines covered under one funky metal roof Atleast the 15 year laundry room roof leak has been solved in just only 5 years after we moved here
Burned red maple and a little pine all day but now it's a bit too warm in here so didn't load up for overnite. Rain inbound and temps are supposed to remain pretty much where they are.
It’s 40 out and 77 inside still on coals and I won’t be stoking it for awhile yet. Got down to 27 earlier and headed for mid 40’s so really mild for January. Then rain changing to snow tomorrow and still mid 30’s. Definitely easier on the wood than last year.
The coldest it got was about 8:00 last night, maybe 58°...its hot now, ahead of the rain, had to put a fan in the window. Close to 70 now...