Found this in the woods last week. About 16" across. Not sure if it's a burl or some other growth, possibly infection? The other side of the tree appears to have been struck by lightning, there is no bark and all the wood is punky to the heart. Have never heard of red oak burl so I'm curious. The tree will be coming down in a couple years for firewood, not sooner because I'm still buried in tops from past logging operations.
burl, I've seen one or two on oaks, I took a pic of one a while back about the half the size of a baseball. That's a really big one though.
Can't help you, but there was a TV show a few years back about Burl Hunters. They were getting big bucks for them. I will be interested in what others say. Burl or knot, ok not?
Been meaning to take pics of the red oak burled split i put aside from last Spring Jon_E. Dunno what to do with it, just though it too cool to burn. I had access to a nice burled red maple log but lost out as i snoozed and losed.
That needs to taken to someone with a band saw that can resaw it in strips. I believe it would make some great accent pieces. Ask justdraftn ...
Posted to this thread. Three years later....maybe I’ll take a hike tomorrow and get an update. I’m guessing it’s still there and maybe a little bigger.
For a burl, there should be some beautiful grain in that. The more I work w/unusual wood, the more I am becoming a fan of slicing it up and using as vaneers. Building a box out of a solid block can produce a beautiful box.....but maybe just one. Slice it up and it can adorn many a box.
I’ve heard there’s a value to them but I don’t know any buyers. A local logger told me he cuts them and leaves them lay in the woods. I have this one in my woods. Sugar maple.