During my lifetime of experiences, with the exception of one person back in the 60's, they all claimed that they were hunting/fishing for the food but at the same time had plenty of $$ to buy drinks, cigs, trucks, boats, snowmos, 4-wheelers, etc. That one person was never known to have been pinched either. And in his defense, he was no game hog.
add tattoos and the same could be said for many getting public assistance ,luckily the vast majority who hunt dont need to for their survival ,they choose to for many reasons ,i can afford food but i prefer venison over beef ,i know where it came from no steroids,hormones etc. the same reason i grow veggies i like doing things myself for myself ,i have hunted deer since i was twelve and have no antlers at all ,i do keep them but friens take them for decorations/crafts and things ,there are taxidermy mounts at my house but they belonged to relatives ,i have nothing against anyone who wants antlers just follow the rules and buy a licence and save/donate the meat ,the person who killed that deer is an a..hole ,a thief ,a poacher ,a thrill killer but he/she is not a hunter or someone who loves and cares about the wonderfull outdoor traditions we have in this country .
coyotes, hawks, buzzards and bear hafta eat too. I'm not a fan of trophy hunting but it's not like deer are an endangered species like elephants and giraffes. If you stomp on a rat out in the field do you pack it out ?
dont know a thing about giraffes but elephants are not endangered ,the lawful hunting of them provides funding for wardens to protect them from poachers ,a tremendous economic impact and provides meat to the local people nothing goes to waste
Asian elephants are now on the endangered list and African elephants are on the vulnerable/endangered list. They're going fast.
i know nothing of the asians but african are not you must be reading the animal rights groups propaganda
Well there are those that don't even consider the wooly mammoth extinct because there is viable DNA that some day conceivably bring them back and therefore they should only be classified as "endangered". So how one defines "endangered" can be a movable goal post. Given that latitude we should harvest the tusks off the last 50,000- because , why not.
That picture is very hard to see and comprehend. This is clearly a case of wanton waste from a legal perspective. From a moral perspective it is an even worse in my opinion. Minnesotan here. Not sure what your experiences are, but I don't know any people here among my circle that would ever consider doing something like this. I know people that pheasant and waterfowl hunt out there, but none that have ever deer hunted. I would say that there is a higher probability that this deer was shot by a resident. Either way, bad people are distributed throughout the population no matter where one lives. Among sportsmen and women the ratio is probably lower than in the general population, so seeing something like that afield would really stand out to me. Was it salvageable in the state you found it in? I wondered because the blood doesn't look too old.
I hate seeing crap like that. It's crap like this that feeds the anti-hunting propaganda machine. I've seen doe that were left behind by "Buffalo hunters" that come from the city, shoot a doe, realize they can't tag it so they leave it. Was always told by my parents (both hunters) that I better make sure that I shoot at what I want, because it's coming home regardless. That is wasteful and disrespectful of the animal. In NY the tag is to be attached to the ear. I carry zip ties for that reason.