17 and sunny this morning, headed for 30. Time to get ready for the coming storm. Still waiting on last nights coals.
No reload this morning, it's 43 outside and expected to hit 52, plus I just brought up all the Christmas decorations to the stove room. I will light back up tonight as the warm up only lasts today.
Sadly the couple of times we were there it was too early for the north rim to open. One time we missed by 3 days. I do hope we can get back to see it. Love that area.
Good thing. Snow and ice missed us overnight. Has been snowing since shortly after daylight this morning but not much expected. Possible ice they say but so far just some wet snow. Should not cause too many problems but knowing how most people drive.... They seem to forget every year that they have to change the way they drive when it is slippery... How difficult can that be to get into one's head?
Just measured and we are blessed with 16" of additional snow! Totals will be later as it is still snowing.
We have a winter storm going now here too in Winter Wisconsin with a foot of new snow on the and it’s still snowing. I have 26 out and I just warmed up the house with elm.
-17c/1.5f under clear skies this morning. Ive raked the coals forward in the stove so its time to enjoy a coffee before reloading.
It is a lovely place - sparsley populated and mostly rural. It borders Wales to the west and there are some beautiful places there too. If you do visit England again, there are some very quaint towns in Shropshire which are worth a visit such as Ludlow, Shrewsbury and Church Stretton. None of these are far from the border with Wales where there's some breathtaking scenery.
Wet heavy snow this morning. The kids were out building snowmen and got good and wet. The Ideal Steel burning a mix of Lodgepole and cottonwood helping dry things out!
Wind has switched to the NW and the snow is light now here. Up near Duluth in Esko, I have a report of 24" of fresh and rather heavy snow. Lakes with 7" of ice are now flooded.
Tonight, my wife and I are watching both the hockey game and football game. Snowing outside as we speak. Burning 3 year old seasoned red oak at 15% moisture and some sugar maple. Great way to end the Thanksgiving weekend. Hoping everybody had a great thanksgiving.
24 and 76 here on coals still. We got lucky and only received an inch or so overnight. 1-3 predicted today and several more tomorrow for 6-10 total. My oldest daughter in Kittery just south of us has about 8” so it just missed us. I’m in no hurry for snow.
23f now. Radio station says 31" of snow on the ground. I'm gonna measure what I have here. I think its a little more.
18 OAT and 66 OAT when I got up this morning. Oak and elm warming things up. We got a lot of slop this past weekend. We even had a bit of rain and hail but not much snow.
Sounds like it might be a little early for that much but we know it happens every now and then. But worry not, it will get deeper.