We’ve had some windy days up north and lost two trees up back over the last few weeks. One was a standing dead Pine and the other was a live Beech. Ended up with a good haul after both were cut up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At least your trailer wasnt there! Reminiscent of the beech in my woods. Snapped off at the dead area. Nice stuff! Will you burn the pine this year!
That beech wasn't much longer to live even if it hadn't blown over. The beech bark disease is all over my woods too. I'm going to be harvesting a lot of beech in the next few years, trying to get it to stop spreading to the healthy trees.
Brad, LOL! So true! If the trailer was up there, it would have been hit again! Jon, So true. We have a good amount of Beech up there, but it's all dying off. There are a few older trees and they just died off in the last few years. Sad.