Turkey looks great! I did my turkey on the Weber kettle last Christmas, and it came out fantastic. The only gripe I had was that the gravy was WAY too smokey. Weird, I didnt put any wood in with the charcoal because my wife isnt a fan of smoked meat. The turkey had zero smoke flavor.
In to the oven at 350* to finish up. Hopefully this will crisp up the skin. Turkey and duck were both around 130* internal before going in the oven...
I turned the oven off around 630 and just let the turkey and duck rest in there until about 930. They got wrapped up and put in the fridge. The brisket came off around 1130. It could have come off earlier than that but I was working on other things. Internal temp was 203* when I pulled it off and wrapped it to rest overnight. The bark looks really good. I'm gonna cut some this morning. Brisket for breakfast??
Brisket looks good! It's a little dry on the flat. I should have wrapped it up a few hours before finishing. Live and learn...
no, I just used salt & pepper I believe. It was my first time trying it, and I didnt want to ruin christmas dinner lol. No brine, though, it was a store bought bird which came "brined"
Turkey,regular,and beef sausage just store bought junk. Candied thick cut bacon with chipotle Couple ribeye's and a strip steak with brown sugar and bourbon rub....made some garlic butter that I will put on top of them in a bit.
Nothing too special, took some of my favorite sausage in links and smoked enough for a weeks worth for breakfast and/or lunches, they re heat well on a small plate in the microwave in a little bit of water, covered. Did (smoked) about a dozen burgers using my buddies grass fed Scottish highland beef that's very lean and mixed it with some ground pork, they also re-heat well using the same method as the sausage. And of course there's a pork butt in there as well. Wifey came up with a way to use the that (with additional seasoning) for the meat in enchiladas, that was a pleasant surprise and use of the plentiful and ever giving pp butt! I've snapped a pic or two but they were not very impressive and I didn't think they " made the cut" for this thread. Overall I've just been busy getting ready for winter getting my firewood covered, putting "stuff" away or undercover so I don't smash it when it's covered with snow. I spent a lot more time in the fall than I should have helping a good friend build a house for his MIL and with his hay, he puts up about a 1000 round bales a year, mostly by his self and is a full time firefighter. Did I mention the sun setting at 4:00 in the afternoon does not help . The older I get, the more I seem to just naturally get tired when the sun sets, he!! just a few months ago I was good for a couple of hours after dinner before it got dark and I got tired. Then there's the mezzanine that I'm building in a portion of my shop, adding 280sq/ft of storage and freeing up enough room to have a space for my newly acquired vertical mill and a very old lathe. Something I've wanted to play with for a long time. My time here has been limited and mostly just reading, but still around and watching.
.....oh, I'm really enjoying my kamado type cooker, gets up to temp fast, the cold doesn't bother it, and is very versatile being able to smoke, direct/indirect heat, and just grill, not to mention pizza! Skeet you played a big part in that