Wood stoves, the XL's are; $3500.00 for the Nickel plated doors $4500.00 for the Brass plated doors Storage Unit Full Of Wood Stoves
Now that is a collection many of us only dream about. Would be interesting to meet the former owner/hoarder. Thanks for posting.
Yes! I've seen it and them before. I believe our friend Coaly has spoke to him and knows him. He was a past dealer as I'm told. "Sadly" those stoves are only worth what people will pay for them. He's had XL's for sale as high as $5000.00 and he'll eat them before he'll sell them. I "LOVE" a Fisher, but absolutley no way am I spending that kind of $$$$$$ for one. Unless I owned a ski lodge and wanted nostalgia, "NO" XL is worth that! I just sold one for $1000.00. Plenty of Fishers to be found and in garages out there. You see them on Craigslist all the time. I have a Grandma Bear Bi-centennnial/76 edition for my next house in nearly perfect condition, I paid $300.00 for.
Most of you know I love my Fisher Baby Bear...perfect for my place with a rich history....I can't imagine how much wood you could burn in an XL .... dang a lot I am sure
I think I paid $175 for my XL, I'd like a new one but doubt the seller and I could come to a reasonable price.
A Grandpa bear will be "very close" in your heating needs. All it will do is take a bit longer to get the results of an XL. I've been heating 1700sqft with a Grandma bear and it's just fine! I can go from 50º in the house to 70º in a couple hours time.