Kind of a lame excuse for a smoking zombie if you ask me, not that anyone has. Good job on the ash. How did the trailer do?
Ok, did a hung over oak score today...lil Beech as well. I could go back for another but I have to watch my Eagles play while I nurse this hangover. Whooooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I see the trailer survived the record beech logs from the Summer. How is it working for you cigarsmokingzombie ? Nice looking oak & beech!
It’s still hanging. I popped off 3 dust caps after that run. I regret not going back for a 2nd run today. I chose Football over I normal? Is that a hoarding no, no? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
BTW, new 2020 Raptor ordered. I’ve totally destroyed this one and today I spilled buffalo dip all over the back..oh well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I did split open that bag of chips and went to town on that dip. Whooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yup, that truck is trashed...better send it to Ohio for disposal...I can take care of all the details for you on this end
Ok, let me let the cheese sit for a little bit. It’s all yours in a month Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Deal. That's nothing compared to when the mice moved into my fully restored and modified (lift and V8 transplant) 1985 Bronco II one winter....PPPPP-UUUUU!
One more load after work...mostly oak but some beech. One more load tomorrow. Whooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not my saw thank god. Got this from a tree guy who cut it up. I’m just unloading and splitting. Whoooooooood! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok, my tree guy came through again with a load of mostly maple (some northern kind), some walnut and a tiny bit of cherry. There’s another load this big but it’s 34 miles one way and I’m beat from loading and unloading. Time to pop open a beer to prep for a silver maple score tomorrow. Whoooooooooodddd! What say u hoarders?