Wife’s getting out our winter decorations; Bitch Cookies look dry , cracked & old, Just like me . lol
When I first seen them, I was looking for instruments. Lol I was.thinking like a band. Guitar, drums, cello. Don't ask where that came from because I have no idea. Lol a snowman band. I'll go now.
Funny, I was just thinking of this type of decoration today. We bought these signs with our name on them that are made of thin wood rounds like this and have have had them for years now, but they never checked or cracked. I never knew it was unnatural for them not to check until this year since I've started burning and learned more about wood. It doesn't seem like there's a clear coat or anything on our signs--is there a special drying process that prevents decorative wood rounds like this from checking?
Just take the face with the crack down his fore head and turn it up side down. Then it would look like a gap between his teeth.
Well you can improvise. They are a neat idea and I will not be showing my wife lest I will be making some too.
My favorite cookie has also gotten old and cracked. It looked really nice when we were presented this wonderful gift at one of our get-togethers.