Hmmmm, If that’s stuff is like what we call cottonwood here in Mi then it’s some heavy stuff green . One of the dirtiest trees imo ,I hate it . But it’s all ready for you Dave and I guess that’s a bonus for all you Husky guys ......always headed back to the shop !
With cottonwood, yes, most try to sell it. ... Lots of spruce now, with all the dead ones around, lots of it free. ... Some wanting to charge you to come & get a standing dead tree, take it down, clean up. Some want a hold harmless agreement & you to have insurance. ....Think their dead tree is really valuable. .. I alway tell them, I'm gonna count your trees, go to the borough so they can assess the value of your property, & tax it appropriately. & its not even black walnut
So I have to assume that the Cottonwood up there is very light & burns like cardboard as well? I thought maybe with the colder climate & shorter season it might be more dense.
Yea, green it's heavy stuff. If you can (could) get it dry before it rots, it seems similar to balsa wood, LOL "all ready for you Dave and I guess that’s a bonus for all you Husky guys ......always headed back to the shop !" My Husqy likes some TLC & pampering now & then, Sometime I let her wear stihl neckless (chain)
approx 2/3 the BTU of white birch 1-2 years to season easy to snag , rounds are a good length, got a couple of decent weather days to process it, I'd probably grab it it's not like you can't burn it and it is gonna be cheap to turn into firewood but then maybe there's someone that needs it more and it will be gone
Yeah I think the longer growing season around these parts produces a little bit dancer cotton wood , that is comparable to pine
Yep, I’d take it! Good shoulder season, and fire pit. Allows me to keep the better stuff for the real cold weather.
Yup, I saw this posted on Craiglist a couple days ago, bogydave and may have made the trip up there for it if I didn't already have a pallet stacked full of the stuff. Still on the fence if the amount of labor I spend processing it is worth the amount of BTUs I get out. Few weeks ago, I picked up a bunch of green cottonwood from a guy in Anchorage and split it, moisture meter said 60%. Day after, another guy posted some that he had sitting in rounds for a year in Chugach and I got some of that too. Split it and moisture meter read 40%... After that revelation I've put a hold on any more cottonwood gathering. Only good thing about the wood so far (besides being free) is it's fun and easy to split.
I have a cord of cottonwood that I got 18 months ago from Chip drop. It was all 24 to 36 inch rounds that I had to cut into shorter rounds and then split. I hate splitting cottonwood but it was free. It burns well dry, just a load will last 6 hrs versus 10 plus with the almond I have.
Mag Craft I'm with you and I think we're all in good company in that regard--it's not called "firewood hoarder's club" for nothing right? NVhunter what is it about splitting cottonwood that you don't like? The smell? I've found it to be the easiest wood to split thus far.