Got 5 dead spruce to take down. A winter job.....Snow on the ground so I can have a fire. Stuff gonna burn hot & fast. The eagle tree is one of them:
No. Some spots the bark was falling off, I helped the rest, wanted to look for beetle larva. + With the bark off, it dries better, most beetle kill here get a punky section 1/2 way up & snap off in the wind. There’s a narrow window to harvest it to be useful wood.
Birch 23,600,000 BTU/cord. Here’s Alaska firewood by the University of Fairbanks : Here’s a pic of CSS Alaska birch:
Gonna be fire pit wood. But yea, I do burn spruce ..... in the outdoor fire pit. I’m a wood snob, I burn 3+ year birch in the wood stove.
Count me in as a spruce burner. It fills my early and late season burning. Probably close to .75 of a cord a year. Burning it right now. If its all I had I would be able to heat my house with it. We have lots of it in the southern Canadian Rockies where I live.
Last years hunting camp we burnt nothing but spruce because it was easy and free . When it runs out we’re into the quaking aspen an jack pine. I didn’t know it wouldn’t work till I started reading forums Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Spruce definitely adds good sound effects to a camp fire. I’ve got burn holes in several synthetic cloth chairs & clothes to prove it. ... 2 choices at the cutting area, birch & spruce Birch: 5.5 million more BTU per cord, Cleaner to fell & limb Doesn’t dull the chain like spruce Splits easier...... at same price per cord, I became a wood snob.
I don’t blame ya. We Mainly have spruce and birch here as well. Birch mainly found in the interior of the island so it’s trucked in about 3-4 hrs away. It’s treated as gold around my parts. $350+ per cord.
Yea You burn what you got Location, location, location .... Some even have shagbark hickory & white oak Wouldn’t that be sweet