I really liked Vermont's last year they burned as hot and clean as all the top competitors and I think the price is responsible.
Burning them now and I agree whatever snafu they had for a brief time last year they have fixed they are burning like a champ .
Subsailor I'm just north of Portland. How about you? I burned 2 bags of stow chow and had what looked like slightly more ash than the la Crete and my glass got hazy half way up. Both had very little fines, so I was happy with that. Over all they weren't that bad for $4.93/bag with the military discount. I'm starting to have a hard time not getting stove chow cause 1 ton is only 224.10 vs $289 and up for the higher quality pellets. But I also like the idea of a pellet that is produced locally like the woods and son. God knows we could always use more jobs in Maine.
Chows are almost exclusive back here in northeast at home depots. Usually 259.00 ton. Good heat but lot of ash. Middle of the road budget pellets which will keep you quite warm.
Have you tried the Maine Woods Pellets? Decent pellet made in Athens. Check the nearest Paris Farmers Union. The one in my town carries them. I think they are $249/ton.
Hi, I am pretty new to pellets, but I got 3 tons of woods and sons and am satisfied. I have burned 300 pounds already and the ash content is very low. No feeding issues and relatively low fines.
I'll have to see if they have them while I'm out in town tomorrow. It seems like my St Croix isn't too picky. Just a matter of how often I want to clean her.
All the local depots have chews. They usually have a few brands mixed around the area, but they said there are difficulties getting other brands. Maybe later, next few weeks something else might show up. But a worrisome trend imho. Too early for lack of selection.