26* this morning with a pretty food frost. No fire overnight cause it was still plenty warm from solar gain yesterday. 62* in the house this morning Load of cherry fired up to warm this place back up
34 this morning started the shop furnace ready to go new bricks and blower fan motor time to burn the stinkbugs out of the chimney JB
First fire of year last night, 39 this morning and another load of cherry to take the chill out. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
27f this morning and a little frosty. Great looking day ahead and gonna start a new cutting area I was asked if I could clear.
Thanks! Re did the hearth this summer. Took the old terrible tile off and skim coated with floor leveler to give it a sandstone look. Also did the hardwood floor and hand made the new screen and other odds and ends on the mantel. Still wish we had an old farmhouse with places for multiple stoves!
53 outside 74 inside this morning, thermostat set at 68. No fire yet, but did get the stove and chimney ready the other day. Skipped cleaning the chimney last year and got this out of it.
I like the last two pictures of stoves with fences. I may need to do something like this at my grand daughters residence (son & daughter in laws) She just learned to walk and she is into everything. They have a pellet stove and pro - pain, I think they are thinking of just running on pain which would be a small fortune.
One "big gulp" in two years, very nice! Perfect visual reminder as to why dry wood is so much better.
Nice screen. Sealed the hearth this year and it wont let anything in the pores and now the dust/debris just brooms off. Before and after right behind chimney.
Got up late this morning at 8:30. 37°, so it must have been a few degrees colder overnight. Set a fire last night and woke to 64° in the house. Lit another fire of maple and mulberry.
It's supposed to be in low 60's for the next couple of days but still may need those early morning fires to take the chill off.
Thanks Steph and it took quite a few days as the rocks were squishing the cement down as it went. Not a clue what I was doing from the start? But its still there.
No fire tonight. Not needed, but because I swept the chimney, I know it's all good and I could light it up.