You must be swinging that Fiskars too hard Ive been using the Isocore more and liking it. I was quartering oak rounds 20"+ diameter this morning and splitting sugar maple tonight. Im so used to an axe so its strange for me to get used to. Seems i go in long cycles with whatever splitting apparatus im liking at the time.
I drove by on the way home and couldn’t pass up topping off the trunk with some shorty white oak slabs that were dropped since this morning. They split so easy the way were cut. I’m not looking forward to starting another stack of shorties, but I suppose that is the hand a hoarder is dealt.
I am totally with you there. It is just a matter of starting another stack with a 3-yr waiting period. I can’t turn down easy splitting white (or chestnut) oak though.
I hear you on the easy splitting. I helped move some seasoned red oak and hickory for a friend yesterday so i could fill that section of shed back up with wood today. It was fresh cut green from February 2018 so not quite two years. I split a piece of each today and jabbed with MM. Less than 20% on the oak, over 20 for the hickory. Most of it was the back row on a three sided shed so not the greatest air movement. We moved it to his breezy front porch yesterday. He will start burning this in December.
I went all.. in on white (or chestnut) oak shorts. All I could fit in the trunk anyways. This was a really easy grab and it splits like butter when it is cut like this. I decided I’ll just extend the stack all the way across the back of the property line. It isn’t real sunny back there, but cut short and I’ll split thin envisioning some late night north/south stove Tetris in 3 or 4 years.
Nice looking score mrfancyplants! It may take a bit of imagination, but your trunk kinda looks like a child with a mouth full of candy grinning while chomping. I thinks it's happy!
Most are 13” last time I checked, although we are getting deeper in the pile and I didn’t bother measuring. I also tried to grab the longer ones. I’ll be stacking on perpendicular rows of pine splits, so not way off the ground, but off the ground.
Snuck in some car hoarding with the boy... saw Marcel there too. Looked like pretty good pickings, I went for this oak.
Nice drum kit you got for yourself Midwinter ! really beautiful wood. This was my dump a couple days ago. They seemed to have bored through the center to reveal, well ....nothing. You'll notice a smelly swamp in the distance probably 4 to 5 inches deep so couldn"t even walk in to explore the grimy logs...not that you could even pull them out under all the tangle and weight. I was only able to get two logs of ailanthis and some small maple branches. It's no wonder I never see Marcel here. I have been getting small scores of wood on a regular basis lately during my daily routines, but individually too unremarkable to post and bore the heck out of you guys. Actually I have also been picking a lot of small dry branch wood (which is pretty easy to attain) for the pizza oven and my chiminea. Having a great time in this cooler weather cooking in my oven and always itching for an excuse to burn wood. Here's a sample of what I made just yesterday for about 12 guests (my daughters college friends). I wound up making 10 pies before I noticed them no longer disappearing ...this is my gauge when to stop and eat the remaining spoils! Still tons of leftovers so no need to cook today. Hopefully I'll have a good firewood hoard to post soon, but lets remember where I live so don't hold your breath haha!
Yeah once wood soaks in dump swamp juice... leave it be. Even if you could hose it off, I bet it would smell bad burning. I certainly don't think it would be suitable to cook pizza! Those pies look delicious, I could go for some leftover pizza right now!
Pizza ..Breakfast of champions. Yeah definitely not picking "swamp juice" wood especially for cooking. Actually I never really use this dump, just look occasionally if happen to be passing by. It's futile, but there are other spots of interest nearby and so It doesn't hurt to look and sometimes I actually score something unrelated that a person dumped like tomato plant cages and construction wood.
Trunk Tetris now, stove Tetris later. Another load of white oak for the backlog, and this one is heavy. I’m about three behind on splitting and stacking.
dump pics remind me of mine after a rain. Lots of mud and puddles. Not worth it. New company supposed to take it over if they havent already. Ill have to make a trip. Great looking food as always Urban Woods