Can't complain, had a busy day at work. Installing new stacks on solvent tanks. Someone screwed the pooch, nothing fit worth a damm. Lol All pays the same... How's Dallas tonight?
lol thinking about one more coffee then bed got to sleep about midnight and up at 4 short term 12 hour days leave at 430 and get home at 630
probably not was told 4 or 5 days and then they said another unit is coming down friday so may be extending through the weekend but for now playing it by ear and not counting on more than 3 days lol
lol i didnt figure youd go to far from home you never do how close is it to you ? i needed to get my welding papers updated before the end of the month but if we get more than 3 days it will be a nice hit and even better if get the weekend
What can I say.. I like to sleep in my own bed. Lol It's about an hour drive. Gotta pick up a couple saws out there that a guy wants ported. Probably about time for your work to pick up huh??
lol hour drive for me to work lol yes i prefer sleeping in my own bed too im gonna do short term work this fall 15 days or less and dont care too much if its only 3 or 4 days here and there short term emergencies and such are usually 12s and long term is usually 10 hour days
Doin pretty good. Been workin on gettin some logs rounded up for the little GTG here the end of the month. Any opinion on the 261 M-tronic?