Yes. We saw a lot of swing but not that much. Northern MI had many temperatures in the 40's (daytime) while down by the Ohio/Indiana line it was in the 70's. Big change in small area.
Our son has been staying in his camper here. This morning they brought blankets and pillows in to dry. It has really been wet here for several days, especially the last three. I'm quite sure we've gotten more rain in the last 2 weeks than we got all summer.
Touched 'er off with a few white pine splits this morning. It was getting chilly in he house with an (accurate) forecast of 48* and windy for the day, so when I came down at 5:30 it was go time! First of the season. Probably do the same tomorrow morning. I love how pine burns in the IS. 1/3 load, run high air for a little while to heat everything up quick, drop the cat, and cruise at 400* until lunch time when it starts to cool off. Perfect for a crisp fall day.
Oh it feels good. A high of 56*, currently 45*, frost advisory. Came home to a 62* house at 6pm, got the fireplace cranking in the front room with some smaller birch slices and have thrown a couple monster 26" slabs of maple on it. Living room and kitchen currently at 70* and smelling awesome.
Lit the first small fire here to fight the 25°F temps we're expecting tonight. Will burn low overnight.
Just looked at the topography of that area. Interesting, lots of inversions/fog? Can image sometimes the lower areas like the airport are 10 degrees colder than the hills above 2k.
Our area here gets some of the coldest in the state. Lots of fog yes.... maybe because Mt Washington so close?
Yes, cold air heavier drops down side of mtn.. Tupper lake NY similar.. But we got a hard freeze.. News said we were 37 at 5 am.. Dogs outside water bowl frozen..
Is it ever nice to feel the heat coming off the boiler in the basement again! The storage tank is only up to about 150 F, but climbing slowly.
We had 24°F overnight and a small fire did the trick last night. Your closer to Mt. Washington by 15 minutes and 300ft higher. It's amazing that short distance and elevation get you that much closer. Blow your lines yet?
Came home to 60* after fishing and the furnace is just buzzing. Cranking the Jotul F400 for the first time. Got it going with some small kindling and just put in some 11-13% red oak. Holy sh.....