We have the crusher in the kitchen and one in the basement for dart night. My wife is awesome. You asking if he’s single for a reason...?
Two Boston Butts went on at 8 o’clock Saturday night. Put up the rain canopy, For the rain that we got over night.... took 20 hours... she stalled big time, luckily I had no dead line for it to be done...
Some little smoked party wings. Tried a different pellet, couldn't tell much difference but prefer my other two brands better.
I just buy a ham portion at costco , slice it ,toss it on the smoker at 250 for awhile, then make a butter and brown sugar mix, brush it on at the end. If theres left overs , the next day I do hot fired pizzas on pellet grill with it ,plus other toppings.
Tailgating for the Chefs last night.... Jalapeño Poppers, twice baked tators, bacon, and a ribeye....