Yeah, and also to explain the phenomenon about light duty verse heavy duty, the preference is for the sensation of the activity to override the default sensations in my hand, so firewood work is a rewarding activity....but I have to be conscious not to cause injury to the "zone". Tedious activities can be very hard to get through or stay focused because I will feel the hand sensations more than what I'm doing. I forgot to mention that I don't believe this for one minute! You are one tough SOB and would not let this stop you. You would make some necessary adjustments and find the best solutions to get the job done. It's either that or atrophy and I know the latter wouldn't sit well with you.
A life changing injury for sure. If you're a righty even worse. I now have a new appreciation of another logistical problem you overcome to hoard! Hats off to you for your efforts and perseverance. Keep up the GREAT work. Since this thread has had minimal postings, ill consider hoarding with the Murano to keep it going. I mentioned it to the GF and she wasnt too happy.
Thanks for the kind words, but please don't pizz off your girlfriend and risk an injury to yourself as well lol! Besides I like seeing that pickup truck with its rear springs sagging and full of goodies! Just wondering how long you can keep it staying white?? haha.
Its my role in our relationship to pizz her off. Its a love/hate relationship...I love her, she hates me! It may be a while til "Whitey" (as she is affectionately known as) is filled to the top again with fresh scores! I wasnt planning on getting a white truck, but two years ago when my other PU finally died i was in a jam. New trucks are out of sight price wise IMO. Even a stripped down base model. Found this one right away and Halloween it will be two years since i registered it. 2008 w/124K miles for $3900. My old ladder racks had to fit which was key. It was a former Comcast or cable co. vehicle so its stripped down which is fine with me...even with hand crank windows!!! WOOHOO! And was well maintained. I had no need really for F250 or 4wd. Nice to have but seldom used. I work it hard and dont baby it...nor wash it!
Mr Money Mustache is the best... he is a wood burner too and I know he’d be all about the scrounging. I’ve made some questionable purchases, but never bought a new car.
I like collecting the 1200lbs of firewood. Id like to see that! Mebbe we should sign him up for the forum. Keep this thread rolling and keep Urban Woods happy!
Wow a man after my own heart! I never wash my cars either. All I care about is a clear windshield so I keep the wiper fluid full haha! Yes, maybe start a new thread called "Keeping Urban Woods Happy"
On the way home from work Thursday I was forced to take a different way due to TRAFFIC, but I saw they did some clearing of trees in the off ramp to my town. Don't know if they took all the cuttings and mulched it, or I was too late to the game and other hoarders beat me to the spoils. I think it was the former since there were tons of wood chips and this is a spot that most people would avoid being so close to the hwy. Anyway, I saw there were a few nice straight grained maple logs in the 30 to 36 inch length range and so I went back today with my homeless cart to get them. There was some small already seasoned cherry and black locust logs in the mix. I have been to this location before to get wood on the quiet side after the ramp, but this new cutting/deforesting has exposed the deeper under lair of long dead seasoned wood (mostly Elm and Black locust from what I can guess). I found a little opening in the fence from the back side that is quite protected from public eyes where I can maybe get in and cut up stuff on the ground undetected and blocked by the noise of Hwy traffic. I may visit this spot in the future when I need already seasoned wood, but I need to return at a better time than I arrived today. I also stopped at the pallet grounds that are nearby this off ramp and got a few nice pallet rails of maple oak and poplar. An update on my pallet wood collection in case any of you were wondering how my progress was going.
Great read there. I don't visit this thread nearly often enough. Your pallet hoard is growing Urban Woods Sounds like a real challenge at times due to the injury, but good on you for not letting it sidetrack you completely. After reading that article it reminded me, I'm often asked at work why I don't drive the truck. Simple answer.. My car is way better on gas mileage. If I could afford an all electric vehicle for my 7 mile commute, then one would be parked in my driveway. Those too are silly expensive.
It looks like you can pull a lot of wood out of that off-ramp clearing. And the board hoard is looking quite substantial.
I found an old round of oak in the back. It was going well until I found a bunch of mites squirming around in the middle. I worked the more solid sections with less “movement” , but stopped before I worked up a sweat too bad. More surface area for drying, right?
Yes for sure, but I'm afraid that nature including the termites have sapped a bit of btu's. Still looks to be in pretty good shape so good on ya for getting it. Also good that you didn't have to cut it with the saw, because termites and other wood loving creatures bring dirt into the wood that dulls chains something fierce!
That's something I've wondered about. Is the dark brown rotted wood in the center of logs all organic matter, without any silica? So it wouldn't be abrasive to the chain? Or do termites and carpenter ants bring in dirt and minerals?
Carpenter ants don't bring in too much dirt, but often times I find them living abandoned termite infested wood...Who knows, perhaps they ate all the termites? but the real culprit for bringing dirt inside the log is termites and then worms and such. Edit* oh and that dark rotted matter is better than termite mud trails, but I suspect it once had some kind of bug activity so it is a mixture of pulp mostly with some unavoidable dirt and minerals.
I'm down to the last two oak logs left to cut. This is what I started with: I've got a few days worth of splitting to do... I'm getting used to the MS250, after a few hiccups. Once I flooded it, and once the tip hit dirt and locked up a couple sprockets on the bar so the chain wouldn't turn. Had to buy a new bar, but the chain was salvageable. I cut a lot today with no mishaps. It does tend to bog down in sawdust inside a cut sometimes.
Uh oh Midwinter , time for another order of logs soon! You ate that up pretty quick...Put the word out that you're hungry for more. Then again you can always take the drive to Dave's place and self serve. By the way, love the work station! Nice that you were able keep this whole oak score stacked together for the long seasoning time it will require.